New with Under a Mil tu!!!

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5:03pm May 17 2015 (last edited on 9:09am May 18 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 58
Hey everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself. I joined all the possible free prize-winning raffles, contests, wishing threads, and games, and I'm here to say that now it is time to ask you for some help and possibly a gift or so. My sister FoxyLife got 2 mil tu from Matt because she was new!  Hello, other newbie around the block? Anyway, thank you so much if you decide to donate time! You are so kind!

Thank you so,

Wierdly a Zaphao Freak...

4:03am May 18 2015


Posts: 3,216
Hello again and welcome to Res ^U^ 

Just a heads up, asking for free things is considered begging, which is against the rules. 
You can find the rules in the link below: 

tle="" target="">ja

and for future reference can be found below your logout button.   
However, I will send a bit of Tu (I don't have much myself! xD)

There are many ways to make TU on Res, many argue the best way is to play with stocks. I'll Rmail you a quick guide to them to help get you started.

You can also sell hatches and eggs, offer to find people eggs, find names and sell other services (Seen your threads in the art forums :D great way to start and good luck!!)

If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask.


9:09am May 18 2015

Normal User

Posts: 58
Yea Srry but Thankies!

Wierdly a Zaphao Freak...
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