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Greetings, friends!
I just joined your lovely site last night.
You may have seen me around already.
I'm the one spammin chat with inquiries.
Such as: Why haven't my hatches reset?
What do I do with the pets I've hatched?
Do I have to feed them to keep em alive?
How come we can't search pets by name?
Where do Wyrae come from? Is it difficult?
Where do I go to ask about possible trades?
Is there no actual marketplace or tradepost?
Are items in the junkyard there by accident?
If I found valuables, should I find the owner?
Is there a calendar of event eggs availability?
How come links are messed up on Rescreatu?
The Intro lists guides, but the links don't work.
About Illustrator:
I like arts. I enjoy writing, drawing, reading, and gaming.
My favorite animals are the fennec fox and the fish crow.
So, give me all your free love and art and make me smile.
I'm trying to hatch the following pets for my characters:
Natural Myotis, Black Valabex, Cream or Magenta Leverene
Magenta or Rose or Ginger Mirabilis, Normal or Silver Tesuri
I've got names picked out. Hopefully they don't get taken! :O