Sup! :3

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2:37pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 12
I'm known mostly as Kylar, the derp who is addicted to love-songs yet can't manage to finish one of her own. XD
My first impression to others, is pretty shy, a bit anti-social, and very sarcastic. But, when you get to know me, I'm FAR from sophisticated (OH MY GOSH. I SPELLED IT RIGHT! On the first try! :'D), once I see you, you won't be able to get me to shut up... And, I'm probably the silliest person you will ever know. I'm not the bravest, but I'm the girl who, if made fun of, I'll strut each time I see them, just to backfire on their teasing.

But, despite my all-over-the-place personality, I do have my flaws. I have a VERY clingy tendency; friends, characters, blah blah blah. So, if I kinda butt in on something, yeah... Well, ya know.
I also have a bit of a sarcastic/angry/dramatic/depression tendency to either guilt-trip, or out right bash someone in the face with a harsh comment. 

But, over anything else, I. LOVE. To Roleplay. Wolves, vampires, werewolves, felines, fantasy, anything you throw at me! Just as long as I can actually grasp the idea in my mind, if I don't... Then your probably gonna have a question in every other comment.

So... If anyone thinks they can actually be my BFF and actually manage through my weird life stories...

Challenge to be approved by you~
(If someone posts a ragestache thing, or anything to do with ragecomics... INSTANT. FRIENDSHIP.)

6:30pm Mar 2 2013


Posts: 3,205
Yo ;0;
and Welcome to rescreatu! :D 
I hope you have fun here and stick around 

Wahoo for werewolves and fantastical beasts :D 
sounds like your going to have great fun on Rescreatus roleplay forums :D 

If you have any questions just ask
you can even drop me an Rmail if you need help, tips, have questions or just want to chat :D 
Im always here to help and to listen. 

i find your honesty brilliant by the way ;0;

Its pretty late here so sorry if im babbling 

(it was so hard to find one that didnt break the rules xD)

Speaking of which below is the link to the rules, if you haven't already please give them a read~

once again welcome to rescreatu 
and never be afraid to ask if you need any thing 


6:53pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 12
I now respect you in so many ways. XD

7:45pm Mar 2 2013


Posts: 3,205
;0; omgyays !


7:52pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 12
I request the highest of fives! :D

7:30pm Mar 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 429
Hey Kylar, welcome to Rescreatu! I'm glad to meet you. :)

I hope you're enjoying yourself so far, and if you have any questions, I too would be glad to help. See you around!

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

9:29am Mar 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 12
You too ^-^

I'm really enjoying myself on Rescreatu :'D

10:19am Mar 4 2013


Posts: 3,205

if you want a high five that high im gonna need a step ladder



1:03pm Mar 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 12
XD *slouches over, then gives Zen a high five* :3

8:36pm Mar 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
I'm happy to see another new person around here you sound like fun and a great user! If you need anything Rmail me I'd be happy to help:) 

(Have you seen thor? I like loki always pushed around-sad)

12:51pm Mar 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 12
:3 Alright!

(I have seen Thor, and I am a Loki Fan. Long Live LOKI. X3)
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