Verpets and Rescreatu are the only awesomesauce pet sites I've found. :3 But....I'm kinda poor on Verpets, so I was wondering that I could trake 100ktu for 100kvp there?
Yes, I play Verpets. I'm kinda annoyed at the current plotline, because my egg got scrambled and I still can't get another one. D:< I gave it five pieces of clothing, logged off for the day,and when I came back, it was scrambled! What's your username on Verpets? Mine's ilaidlaw. :3 I only have around 60K there.
Mine's Zozofreak. I had about 60k, too, but I spent in all on a stupid muffalo egg. >.> I thought you could have more than one, and muffalo was the onyl one thay had at teh moment, so I got it.
I hate muffalo. As soon as it hatches, I'm going to sell it, then get a Zygo. <3