BLOOD FREAKS?? Did someone say blood freaks?? Well I sort of am.
Me and my friend at school were all like 'We're immortal' then anyone who annoyed us we would threaten them that we would bite them. One girl was all like 'No way' And so I said 'I will' and she said 'let me see you try' and I bit her on the arm. Softly. She freaked out and I ran back to my friend, where we laughed and laughed. O_O There is something seriously wrong with me.
I suck the blood from cuts I get on my finger but that depends on how I got the cut. And I also taste it when I bite my lip and one time when my nose bled.
This is totally creepy. Every time I fight with someone, I feel like biting them, literally just biting them. I suck the juice out of fruits, I bite everything I can get in my mouth. I suck the blood out of paper cuts and scabs and such..... and I'm getting a little weirded out.
2:59pm Jan 13 2010 (last edited on 2:59pm Jan 13 2010)
Normal User
Posts: 1,210
I like bitting my paper knifes :D(and generally chewing on sharp objects)
oh,commonness!feels nice being connected to others
But seriously,everybody sucks blood out of their wounds,unless its real severe or they have a phobia/are disgusted by blood. Youre not a freak just because of that.