Look, see that. Bask in his amazingness.
Yes, my favourite celebrity is Leonardo DiCaprio. Not just because he has a pretty face, but I really truly admire him as an actor. He is a talented man, who is just amazing and I love him. I don't care thats hes really old. (Well he's not that old, just much older than me) He's a man who cares for this planet, and the enviroment, and he's donated 1 million dollars to the tiger summit thing (its to protect the tiger, which happens to be one of my favourit animals), and he paid the maximum he could pay to support Obama. (I'm not even American so that doesn't really effect me XP but If I was American, and was old enough to vote, Obama would have mine.) He has worked hard, for the place he is in now, and I admire him for that. To be as sucessful an actor as he is is my dream, although its not safe enough for me to just go out there and go for it. I'd like to think he does movies because he actually likes the sc
ript, not just for the money like some actors. (I mean Robert Downey Jr. in that movie with that guy from the hangover, why would you do that? Or Bruce Willis and Tracey Morgan in Cop Out? Although that was funny, but all for the money) Anyways, I have run out of things to say, other than I think he is the most gorgeous man ever, besides my Shane West, and Eddie Redmayne. And I don't think he all into fitness because he has packed on some pounds. He's alot chunkier than he used to be but, I think its cute. Anyways, I wrote alot and I might go into a rant about how amazing he is, so, I'll stop now.