Friend Codes for Pokemon X and Y

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10:48am Nov 7 2014 (last edited on 4:26pm Nov 7 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 3,828

I know there was a thread like this, but I think it's dead now and I want some friend codes so...

Just post your friend code here if you'd like and it'd be neat if you could also post your safari type (and someone tell me mine plz bc I have no idea /sob)
I'll be making a separate post underneath for people who are looking for trades and things.

C o d e s
Secrets | 5172 - 1036 - 3090
Hummingbird | 3351 - 4892 - 5496
Hyprus | 4141 - 2026 - 7783 [Psychic: Espurr | Abra | Xatu]

hello my name is elder price

10:48am Nov 7 2014 (last edited on 11:19am Nov 8 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
I n f o
-> Sec is trying to complete her Pokedex. She needs to borrow the following legendaries: Mew, Shaymin, Darkrai, Virizion, Keldeo, Terrakion, and Kyurem (more definitely, but those I can list off the top of my head. u_u)

hello my name is elder price

10:54am Nov 7 2014 (last edited on 3:49pm Nov 7 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 76
Trainer Name: Sylph
Mii Name: Issac
4141 - 2026 - 7783

Safari Type: Psychic
Espurr, Abra, Xatu

1:45pm Nov 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
mine is a poison FS


Pokemon Codes of people


Light- 1306-5538-5104 (also breeding starters and feebas and meowths)

Wolf-  1864-9908-8132 ( has an electric type safari w/ Helioptile, Pachirisu, Manectric)

RuRu- 1091-9020-2718

InfernoFire- 1676-4526-0638

Shadly- 2981-5479-8109

Modo- 4682-9005-8520 Known In game as Asbel (bug type Ledyba, Volbeat and Venomoth)

CobaltBlue13- 0447-6328-0863

Drow- 2809-7973-5863. (Grass type FS with Tangela, Sawbuck and Quiladin.)

Dogzdream-3926-5498-7481 (after shiny eeve/breeds eeves)

Speras- 3007-8561-4452

Vol- 295-1640-3542


Ally- 3239-2317-5129

RikaTheFallen- 5215-0052-5292 (has eeves in Fs)

Noctre- 40386499-9755 (has non kalos region starters, also has 5IV female Froakies with protean)

Jess- 0104-0843-9231

Llama- 2380-3233-1072

Taka/ Volke- 4442-0034-0864

Alyanabilla- 3668-8768-1168


Jehan- 2423-3657-3521

Dude41- 1950-9160-8506

Foxwolf- 5343-9359-6914 (rmail if you add)

ArieRiddle(Megan)- 0447-6634-6697 (ivysaur,pansage,maractus in fs)

Meg- 1349-5855-3886 Ice Fs

Snivy3258 - 2363-6927-0305

Frosslass2011- 1719-4352-1468 poison fs

Kinera- 0748-1932-1449 fire fs

CaptainMorgan - 1220-8228-6567

Pokefan1300-  3196-4513-4819

Rose- 3582-8464-0100  Steel Fs

Fox (Ash) - 0232-9077-0352


2:36pm Nov 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
Hi yes hello I'd like to enter a friend code please


my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

3:49pm Nov 7 2014 (last edited on 3:49pm Nov 7 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 76
I oopsed another post ;u;
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