Jess's Wondertrade Wednesday Haul!

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6:57pm May 15 2015 (last edited on 6:59pm May 15 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
I'll be dividing this up into a couple different segments. First one will be me explaining what Wondertrade Wednesday is, then what I'm breeding/will be throwing into Wondertrade. Then the rest of the post will be what I trade and what I got back.

Wondertrade Wednesday is something that happens ever Wednesday. You open Wondertrade up, and just send out Pokemon. Most people will give out either Shiny, Rare, or EV/IV trained Pokemon. But sometimes, you will sadly get crap. But it's always fun to see what you get!


6:57pm May 15 2015 (last edited on 6:59pm May 15 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
What Is Jess Hatching Today?:

and Buneary


8:03pm May 15 2015 (last edited on 9:26pm May 15 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
May 13, 2015
I have: 2 Boxes of Vulpix and 2 1/2 boxes of Buneary
1. Zigzagoon
2. Scatterbug
3. Pancham
4. Froakie
5. Bidoof
6 Absol
7. Surkit
8. Tirtouga
9. Helioptile
10. Eevee
11. Fletchling
12. Castform
13. Fletchling
14. Roselia
15. Weedle
16. Zigzagoon
17. Shiny Pinsir
18.  Scatterbug
19. Charmander
20. Beldum
21. Zigzagoon
22. Flabebe
23. Zubat
24. Mantyke
25. Espurr
26. Wurmple
27. Sentret
28. Pumpkaboo
29. Oddish
30. Cherrim
31. Cleffa
32. Archen
33. Machop
34. Sawk
35. Litwick
36. Ralts
37. Togepi
38. Wurmple
39. Pikachu
40. Stunky
42. Zigzagoon
43. Kricketune
44. Darmanitan
45. Lapris
46. Shroomish
47. Azumarill
48. Honedge
49. Zubat
50. Bulbasaur
51. Foretress
52. Mr.Mime
53. Gastly
54. Snivy
55. Rotom
56. Zubat
57. Slowpoke
58. Servine
60. Audino

62. Cherrium
63. Tynamo
64. Cascoon
65. Mudkip
66. Drilbur
67. Zigzagoon
68. Chinshou
69. Zigzagoon
70. Scyther
71. Pansear
72. Aerodactyl
73. Swablu
74. Ralts
75. Gible
76. Zigzagoon
77. Audino
78. Cubone
79. Larvesta
80. Magikarp
81. Zorua
82. Paloswine
83. Larvesta
84. Furfrou
85. Vulpix
86. Paras
87. Taillow
88. Wingull
89. Growlithe
90. Pansear
91. Omanyte
92. Flabebe
93. Wurmple
94. Wingull
95. Gastly
96. Quilladin
97. Poochyena
98. Caterpie
99. Pinsir
100. Kecleon
101. Quagsire
102. Frakie
103. Machop
104. Scatterbug
105. Trevenant
106. Croagunk
107. Swablu
108. Maril
109. Eevee
110. Ralts
111. Zigzagoon
112. Koffing
113. Magikarp
114. Wurmple
115. Zigzagoon
116. Abra
117. Whismur
118. Basculin
119. Pichu
120. Trapinch
121. Charmander
123. Wurmple
134. Luvdisc
125. Gengar
126. Servine
127. Golem
128. Leafeon
129. Oddish
130. Snivy
131. Mudkup
132. Serviper
133. Charmander
134. Electrike
135. Zigzagoon
137. Eevee

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