Looking for a partner to work with~

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8:03pm Apr 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,864

'Ello, there. :) I'm looking for someone to do a flash game collaboration with me. By this, I mean I need someone to do the coding and such while I'll provide all the art; backgrounds, sprites, and any animations included. If you want to see the general gist of my sprites, feel free to check my deviantart here. I can do many others, most of the ones there are just for fun (as in, I will shade and such on sprites for the game; I'd love it to keep a pixelly feel though). Here's the basics:

What I will do

I will make quality sprites and art for this game. No slack on effort.

I will help you on coding as much as I know, and try and find help if you get stuck.

I will love you forever. o////o

I will help you in other things, too, such as Kirs Quest and your goals.

I'll do whatever I can, in short. lD


What I am looking for

You know coding in flash at least enough for a game with gravity, keyboard controls (I can help with this a tiny bit), and a character that is animated (I will provide sprites!).

You can communicate often, at least a once/twice a week (preferably more but we all have lives).

You won't lose interest and enjoy seeing our progress! :D


If you fit most or all of these, I'd be glad to have you post here. I'm totally open to questions and more but I don't want this post to get too boring lol. 

(and lol, easter colors.) 


9:46pm Apr 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,289
XD I wish I was smart enough to know this stuff.XD


11:27pm Apr 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,864
Lol, it's alright. ^O^ You should look up a tutorial, its kind of fun to learn a little of it.

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