You like?! Cool! Hang on, here's Chapter 1. I'm thinking of combining it with Chapter 3 once I've written it, coz Chapter 1's a little short.
Chapter 1- Rozashae’s Room
Rozashae lay in bed, thinking, staring at the ceiling, decorated with glow in the dark stickers. It was a cold night, very cold, and Rozashae couldn’t sleep. But it wasn’t just the temperature keeping her awake; tomorrow- well, today, since the sun was starting to rise- was the day her school project was due. She had hardly done anything!
Aww, man. Mr. Kramer's going to kill me, thought Rozashae, what am I going to do?!She had always got straight A’s, and her parents expected that from her. Now she was probably going to get an F.
Rozashae hopped out of bed and wandered- on tip-toes, so as not to wake her parents- over to the window. Pulling apart the curtains, she glanced out at a view of Mt. Ponte Gorge, with the sun peeping over the horizon behind it. For nearly as far as the eye could see, all there was was trees, trees, and more trees, all part of the Blue Mountains bushland. In the distance Rozashae could just spot a few skyscrapers, the only visible proof that the city of Sydney existed.
If only she could be like a possum, or other bush animal, and not have to worry about stupid school projects, or anything else human, for that matter.
Heading back to bed she grabbed her special cuddly octopus; made from a sock, she had brought it into existence herself. It was her favourite toy, despite it being very simple and not as soft as the others.
Going by the mirror, Rozashae stopped and looked into it, staring at her unhappy-looking reflection. She saw a girl standing there, small for her age, with thousands of freckles on unnaturally red skin, wearing kiddie spectacles over syrupy eyes. Her teeth were long, and strangely sharp, and she wore braces because her teeth had grown to overlap each other. Her hair was long and flowing, but didn’t shine with a healthy radiance like other girls’, and was flat and dull and a fiery red. It was this...different appearance, and the weird name as well, that caused her to be the target of most of the popular girls’ taunts. She didn't fit in anywhere.Rozashae trudged back, climbed into bed and fell into a deep, but disturbed sleep, with nightmares of bullies and bad marks. When she awoke her alarm was going off, and she could hear her parents downstairs, arguing in high whispers.
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