New Dog.

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9:54pm May 4 2010

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Posts: 259

Ok, so my mom is all paranoid about me moving out so she's getting me a dog. ;/ It needs to be a larger breed, large enough to be mildly intimidating and trained for guard. 

I'm going to name it Valentin or Meg also. :C  Because Foo's cool.

So this is for breed suggestions. My mom used to show and judge dogs, so I am pretty familiar with all breeds. I'm leaning towards a Shepherd or an English Bulldog. 



Bloody Tiara Armada: 242

9:59pm May 4 2010

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Posts: 1,369



And name it Meg omg.


9:59pm May 4 2010

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Posts: 2,148

Husky. :U

Korean Jindo.

Those things are so cute your heart will eat it's own insides.


10:00pm May 4 2010


Posts: 1,586
How about a Doberman Pinscher or a Great Pyrenees :P


10:01pm May 4 2010 (last edited on 10:02pm May 4 2010)

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Posts: 2,148

Or. Or. Or.

Get one of those huskies that look like their they're Asian.

I dunno what they're called.

They're huge though. And they look like lions, only more like dogs.

And they shed a lot.


10:01pm May 4 2010

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Posts: 55
Germa shepard! =D they are used as police dogs and are very loving. But With any gaurd dog make sure u give it attetion/love from MANY different people/kids/babies/adults becuase it may one day think some one is here to hurt its beloved master and seriously injure some one innosent /XDragonWolf13

10:01pm May 4 2010

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Posts: 55
*german >xp /XDragonWolf13

10:02pm May 4 2010

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Posts: 1,369


10:38pm May 4 2010

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Posts: 259
Foo, get out. That is so intimidating I can't take it.

Bloody Tiara Armada: 242

12:51am May 5 2010

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Posts: 2,046
Husky or Great dannnnneeeeeee~

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

12:11pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 12:12pm May 5 2010)

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Posts: 677

Rotties are actually a great breed for this.(:
Thet're huge and chunky and have a ma.ssive head/jaw so they look like they could chomp you to bits. But really, they're big teddy bears.^o^
If you like semi-playful dogs(By semi I mean half the time they're rowdy, and the other half they're lazy) that's the type for you.^^

But, it's best to get them as pups so they're used to you.;P

And they're very loyal/protective.But your mom would know that.xD


4:51pm May 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 259

Thanks guys. ^O^ I would love a Husky, but the problem is, I live in Florida. :C Where the low is 60 degrees. The poor dog would melt to death. I also am moving into an apartment, so it should be able to withhold it's urge to be a wild, rampaging dog until I can take it outside. And nothing that is prone to cat-eating, I do have 3 cats. ;/

I've looked at a few Shepherds and Dobermans, I really like the Pinchers. 

Bloody Tiara Armada: 242

3:53pm May 6 2010

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Posts: 2,088

Sugar: This might help you:

Larger dogs get hot a lot easilier than small dogs. Especially ones with long fur. A husky fits that deion very well. :P 

Small dogs get cold easily. Especially one with short fur. But in a warm area like Florida, you don't have to worry about it that much. :3


I like labs. Especially black ones. I think Meg would fit a black lab nicely. They're big dogs, but have short fur.They are generally friendly dogs. Easy to train, and good guards. :3 I've never actually owned one before, but I've researched. They need a lot of exercise, though. :/ They might be able to live in an apartment, depending on the size of the apartment and the personality of the dog you pick. Also, I've seen a lot of labs living peacefully with cats. :3 But again, it all depends on the dog you choose and how you raise it.

THat's just me, though. I just love black labs. ^0^


 Isn'tit adorable? =3


5:28pm May 6 2010

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Posts: 520

What about a Catahoula Leopard dog?

Or a Rhodosian Ridgeback, they're mildly intimidating.

And they have a line down their back, which makes them cool.

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7:19pm May 6 2010

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Posts: 1,369

I hate labs. ;-;


Get a great pyr omg. They're super lazy most of the time and all of them are gentle giants. I've never gad a great pyr that didn't like cats.


Or anything that moved for that matter.

They do get hot pretty easy because of the coat but you you give em a good shave once and a while but keeping the hair semi-long, they would be fine. o3o Mine did okay out in TN during the summer, where it can hit 100+ degrees. Just shade, water& food.


now get one damnit omg.

or get a great pyr/american pit bull terrier cross. those are lovely.


10:28am May 7 2010

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Posts: 2,088
Foo: Lab hater. :o


2:49pm May 7 2010

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Posts: 2,046
Labs are very good. I had one and it growled at the slightest thing I was scared of.

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

5:39pm May 7 2010

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Posts: 520

I have a Labrador-German Shepherd cross which is a fantastic breed to have. They have great temperment, (they only wag their tails when you take bones off them), they are large, smart as in they learn tricks easily (but run into gl*censored* doors.) My dog fought off two burglurs at one stage, as he is often mistaken as a rottweiler in the dark. Also. Also. Cheapness, only £50 (60$?) at 8 weeks.

Also, beware. Great Pyrenees eat loads. They have to spawn all that fluff from somewhere.

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9:46pm May 7 2010

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Posts: 2,440
Definently German Shepard. I owned one named duchess ((she has p*censored*ed :()) Who whenever there was even the slightest sound she'd dash to the door barking if it was footsteps. But she was so cuddly and nice and wonderful. Only, she was teribly afraid of lightning so if we got robbed/mugged/killed/attacked/morewonderfulthingshere during a storm we'd a bad situation

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2:10am May 8 2010

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Posts: 1,369

Touche about the food.

Pyrs eat buttloads of dogfood.

We always gave our leftovers tho so his dogfood laster literally forever. I think we still had the same bag of food from when we bought him when we moved.

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