11:02pm Nov 6 2012 (last edited on 7:56pm Nov 7 2012)
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Posts: 617
Evolution is nothing but lies and fairy tales it seems to me.
At least the Bible tell the truth better than Evolutionists who think that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a giant meteorite.
The Bible says in Genesis the truth to what happened to the dinosaurs. They were wiped out by a giant flood. The surviving Dinosaurs died because the climate was too warm or too cold for their bodies.
1:28am Nov 7 2012 (last edited on 1:37am Nov 7 2012)
Posts: 3,217
I have a feeling this could get a bit heated.... And maybe upset some people :| But I guess In my opinion Its evolution all the way In my opinion I won't go in to details why But I will just say that (in my opinion) there is just too much evedence to say other wise ^^" I'm probably being over causious but I can not stress enough that this is my opinion and every one is entiteled to there own and should be respescted..... .... I don't wanna offend any one |D Ahg
1:33am Nov 7 2012
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Posts: 4,751
Here are some theories against the evolution: Evolutionists say that all the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteorite. How come, then, are there no meteorite craters found in the "fossil layers" of the earth? A meteorite that big would have had to make a crater half the size of the planet. We would have found that by now.
I do agree, this thread might get some extreme controversy. You might want to change what you say in the first post Dawn, it is a little, well, harsh. As Christians we are supposed to be lights set on a hill, not imposing our light on the darkness, but offering its warm, cheery glow.
Hi there
1:45am Nov 7 2012 (last edited on 1:45am Nov 7 2012)
Posts: 3,217
"Geological evidence shows that a giant meteorite about six miles wide smashed into the Yucatan Peninsula close to the current Mexican town of Chicxulub 65 million years ago. According to the standard theory, the impact set off volcanic eruptions, massive earthquakes and tsunamis that sent dust flying high into the atmosphere, where it lingered and blocked the sun's light for decades or centuries."
Plus I belive that the times were getting tough too, through rapid climate change as the contenental plates shifted. ^^ but hey, im no scientist. I'm just very, very interested in subjects like this And yes... Once again This is my opinion and im not going to like.... Beat someone up for having a diffrent one ... ( although I tots could coz I is so strong and is a ard nut en stuff...... I couldn't even beat up a pillow xD)*cough*
5:13am Nov 7 2012
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Posts: 3,426
To sum up what Zen said. The crater's underwater, around the Gulf of Mexico, and we have found it.
Also mind summing up what Genesis actually says about the dinosaurs? I assume you're trying to make a point to atheists, but it's not as if we have bibles we can pull out and look up Genesis in. o3o
Evolution all the way in my opinion. At the very least, there's a lot more evidence supporting it than creation.
Controversy as fine as long as people are respectful and realize it's a debate, not a fight. :P
HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:46am Nov 7 2012
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Posts: 651
I'm Christian myself so ofcourse i support the bible.
But this topic is just going to start a lot of debates lol. Sad thing is - we don't know what is true or what is not. Maybe God made the universe through such 'big bang theories' or based the 'monkey' on the human structure. (win-win suggestion).
I have nothing against science though. I wouldn't call them 'fake'. I think of it like this sometimes (my opinion). Say a really good chef made a masterpiece. And we, tasters, want to discover what ingredients the chef put into the dish, and so we use crazy methods to break down it's structure. xD Ye.
5:57pm Nov 7 2012
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Posts: 2,503
Yeah, I'm a Christian too. Read the Creation magazines. They're awesome. And they explain everything. I don't want this to go too far. I agree with you Megabyte, all the way! Us Christians don't fight. We are just friendly and try to explain, you see. So please don't make this into a fight! Our pastor says 'You don't need to be harsh or snooty, just contradict them in a calm and collected way' What people believe is what they believe.
LOL I don't even know if what I'm trying to say there makes any sense. :P
psalm 103:12 |-/
7:24pm Nov 7 2012
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P.S. I know what you mean by saying 'fairy tales' but I LOVE CINDERELLA! 8C *shakes fist*
psalm 103:12 |-/
8:17pm Nov 7 2012
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Posts: 156
Nice to finally see a debate thread... That said I would bring up a couple things for your consideration...
Is this really a debate on religion versus evolution? There are plenty of people for whom there is no one or the other; the question "do I believe in religion or evolution?" never arises because their religion is not fundamentally anti-evolution nor is evolution fundamentally anti-religion.
If not then is this a debate about creationism versus evolution? The idea that a deity created and placed all sorts of different creatures on Earth at some point(s) in time versus the idea of gradual evolution from extremely simple creatures to extremely complicated creatures? In that case if you argue for creationism I hope you will distinguish between old and young Earth creationism as there are arguments for both.
Another thing is that I hope ure quoting will be as sparse as possible, considering there are many different ures of many religions and sects that you will have to refute to validate the superiority of your chosen ure, in which case maybe Christianity versus other religions should be the topic...
Of course these are only suggestions coming from a very interested spectator, so take them or leave them as you wish... Hoping to see some good posts here.
2:54am Nov 8 2012 (last edited on 3:02am Nov 8 2012)
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Posts: 1,085
This thread could stir up trouble if people aren't careful.
Personally I'm always respectful of whatever one may believe in, it's an individuals choice. I myself am an Atheist, although I greatly admire old mythologies, in particular Norse and Greek. And I believe that dragons exist/may have existed.
Being a rather scientifically orientated person, I do support Evolution. Merely because there are so, so many things that point towards it being true.
Fossil Records in particular, the whole evolution of horses is detailed in fossils for one, and a good example. This is over a course of 55 million years.
Then there's embryology of vertebrates, homologous structures, comparative biochemistry and DNA sequencing. Really the list goes on, and I'm not going to bother going into details.
To me, all of this makes far more sense than (no offence to anyone) a small part of sc[injection]ripture written within a 2000 year old book, that has been translated countless of times with information lost by each translation.
- Just my opinion on it all. Also, I see no point in having a "versus" debate, as I'm fairly certain if someone already has a set belief they aren't going to change it regardless of what comes up.
Edit : Also as a question to anyone who can answer, or just even give their thoughts. You say dinosaurs were wiped out by a flood, so this would have been the whole "Noahs Ark" situation, yes ? There's an estimated 6.5 - 8.3 million species on earth. To have two of each fit on a ship, why are there then no remnants of this ship ? Also does this not mean that every creature is then inbred to an extreme ? (2 of each individual is far too few to carry on a whole species, simply as there is not enough genetic diversity.)
мα∂ηεss ωιℓℓ cσηsυмε үσυ...
8:45am Nov 8 2012
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Posts: 2,503
To have two of each fit on a ship, why are there then no remnants of this ship ?
Actually, there were.http://english.pravda.ru/science/mysteries/02-12-2011/119821-noah_ark-0/ And countless others. I know it might be fake, OK. I don't think it was. That's what I think.
psalm 103:12 |-/
11:34am Nov 8 2012
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Posts: 1,314
I support Evolution, for the reasons 3mmnique has posted (amongst others - but no matter how nicely I have tried putting them, they still sound crude, blunt, and sceptical. Which I am towards religion.)
But I find little point in debating since the battle between Evolution and Creationism is a matter of opinion. I know I'll fail to shake any believers here, especially since I don't have many kind things to say about Christianity. I could write two words or two hundred. My words would be wasted here.
11:48am Nov 8 2012 (last edited on 11:54am Nov 8 2012)
Posts: 3,217
ive seen satellite images of boats on mountains.... or rather boat shaped indentations (couldn't think of a better word)
and yep there is always the possibility of them being fakes, which I think is the case for most of them but I wouldn't be overly surprised if one or two are real.
However this does not mean that the boat is "The" arc. One reason is the shear size and weight that the arc would have to be to carry all the animals, Noah and his family, food, water, fresh bedding etc. The arc would have to be colossal and would weigh more than I care to guess. Building it would take years even with an experienced boat building team.
Another reason~ right im not sure where Noah was said to have built the arc (as in what country) but I assume it was some place in the middle east. If so (as far as I can gather) its a very arid and barren place, I cant imagine such a place having a butt ton of trees too build the arc out of. Now a days that wouldn't be an issue, you just order some more from a different country, simple as, but obviously back then you couldn't. materials were pretty limited to the surrounding areas. Plus Noah would have also had to have lot of pitch... just for the sake of it lets just say 3 tons 0_0 ( i have no idea)
another reason ( last one for now I promise xD) and im just assuming things again
but if they dropped all the animals off when they "landed", all at once, in one place. the carnivores would just... ya know.... eat all the herbivorous. for example, if the animals were all safely off the arc and running around, stretching there legs, making new homes it would just take one lion to kill one zebra for zebras to die out.
3mm also made a very good point with all inbreed :D
and yeah I dont think any ones going to change there minds about anything but im not trying to I just really, really like talking and debating about things like this i find it interesting and i like hearing other peoples views
^^ and Dory thats a lovely way to explain it, with the chief and the tasters~ very poetical :D
12:18pm Nov 8 2012
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Posts: 2,503
Yep, be careful. This could end up in a fight. So. Just friendly consideration and opinions.
psalm 103:12 |-/
2:06pm Nov 8 2012 (last edited on 2:54pm Nov 8 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
You raise an interesting point, Zen. The sheer magnitude of the Ark would have to be of... incredible standards.
I wonder how polar bears would have managed, climbing out of the Ark on a scorching mountain. Or kangaroos, which are endemic to Australian continent. Or lemurs, found exclusively in Madagascar. Or koalas, which can only feed eucalyptus leaves. Assuming it could swim across oceans, what would it survive on during the journey home?
And, just curious here - where does it say in the Bible, that the world was inhabited by large reptiles during Noah's time? Where are dinosaurs specifically named, acknowledged, in the Genesis?
Setting any dragons aside, of course.
2:26pm Nov 8 2012 (last edited on 2:42pm Nov 8 2012)
Posts: 3,217
* Ark
( ive been spelling it wrong 0_0....oopse)
5:57pm Nov 8 2012
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Posts: 2,503
Oh and about how the animals would fit, I think that there were very basic animals so as to later breed and make new varieties and stuff.thats what I think lol.
psalm 103:12 |-/
5:59pm Nov 8 2012
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And in the bible, it says the ark took twenty years to build
psalm 103:12 |-/
12:12am Nov 9 2012 (last edited on 12:15am Nov 9 2012)
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Posts: 1,085
Hmm I find it doubtful. In the article it reads - "The ob[injection]ject was shaped as a ship and was nearly 500 feet long."
500 feet, is only 152 metres. That's a football field and a half.
Realistically I can't see that fitting 12-16million animals, plus food etc.
Also judging from the dimensions given in the actual text ;
"Make yourself an ark of gopher wood. Make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch. This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark 300 cubits, its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits."
Cubits to metres, it's 137 metres long, 22 metres wide and 13 metres tall... This is going by the dimensions that the actual Bible gives you.
As a comparison, the Titanic, was 269 metres long, 28 metres wide and 53 metres tall.
It's tiny. Again, it seems highly unlikely to be able to hold the capacity it claims to. It would also be impossible for those animals to "make new species" , as cross-breeding actual species with species, eg a Horse and a Donkey make a mule, makes the offspring infertile.
"New species" evolve from, well, Evolution :) A slow and gradual change caused by gradual adaptation to new environments and/or changes. Darwins Finches are a very good example of this. They split off from the mainland, went to the Galapagos islands, and over time have all developed into different species as natural selection adapted beak sizes and shapes to diets etc. - Evolution.
мα∂ηεss ωιℓℓ cσηsυмε үσυ...
9:27am Nov 9 2012 (last edited on 10:23am Nov 9 2012)
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Posts: 2,503
Hmmm, true. True, true, true......
But dogs! Do you think EVERY kind of dog would be there? That wouldn't fit! They had to 'half evolve' by breeding, wouldn't they?
Not really evolving, just breeding to make different colors/breeds etc.
psalm 103:12 |-/