1:22pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 1:23pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 1,937
Alright, so the ti tle says it all. Me and my few friends made a huge loudness about of this in SB, so i think its better to make a thread of this. So, lets discuss about it, now we have a whole thread ! The question is; WOULD YOU SAVE RAINFOREST WITH IT'S ANIMALS, OR AN BEAUTIFUL HOUSE WITH PRETTY FURNITURE?
1:24pm May 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 455
save the animals. they are part of the food chain and without them animals would be overpopulated/extinct. we invade THEIR land and they die cause we kill their food.
1:24pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 930
So wait. If we choose one we lose the other? o_o
1:24pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 453
>.< mah furniture is out of german wood that grown 2 years x,x! i would never buy a rain forest buildet house! i wanna buy some kilometeres² rain forest if i'm grown x3 i will defend it with my life *_*!
I hide underneath your bed and tattoo you if you fall asleep D:< OMG!
the MCR vortex!
1:27pm May 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 15
Save the animals cause you could extict animals but you could always buy a new house or furnitere
1:32pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 1:34pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 520
Its a quick and unreliable money source for the people of Brazil (per example.) When it runs out to the point that we've lost most of it, there will be a recession in Brazil. Most likely anyway. Sky have made a project to sponsor and acre of the Rainforest. My family support one. The rainforests harbour some amazing creatures, such as the Jesus Lizard (Plumed basilisk, blue morphos butterflies and tree (flying) snakes. It would be a shame to see those animals go. Braziil, as an LEDC, needs whatever money it can get. There are a lot of dangerous animals, so improper housing gets people killed. Rats eat their food in India, leaving people starved to death. In Brazil they need that money to build houses, but it is a power source. Woodcutting millionaires do not donate their money to accomodation for the less fortunate. There are a lot of problems regarding the matter, mainly greed. Yet in the SBox, some people claimed that all humans were responsible, which I think is very biased indeed. Cyste: You see, where your point flaws is. If we do not touch trees, if we do not harm ecosystems even by killing a colony of ants, we have no trees to make new houses or furniture out of.

1:47pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 455
i think there needs to be more state parks/protected areas where no matter what happens, we cannot build on the land. if humans are so smart, they should find a way to live with animals peacefully and kill when animals only need to be killed. not just for sport.
2:20pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 520
There are such systems, Tokyo. Hunting for sport is a hobby, I don't think its right, but it is legal to hunt poultry, as long as you eat it. I believe the same applies for rabbits, hares and pikas. Yet fox, badger and other un-edible hedgerow animals hunting is banned already. I know a person who got bitten by a Brown Snake, he got anti-venom but it was a horrible senario. He didn't have to, but he killed it by bashing its head with a rock. You may say it was unnecessary, but we kill alot of animals by pure instinct, which happened there. Eat or be eaten, as the saying goes. I'm all for animals, I study animal anatomy and zoology, and I do have feelings for animals, and pity occasionaly. Saying, "omg humanz zuck" is extremely biased. We, ourselves, are animals with animal instincts and some aspects of animal behaviour. Humans are the most intelligent creatures on this planet, but, like other animals, we rarely quit while we are ahead. Currently, animal - human relations are not too extreme. Here and there you hear of an animal killing a human or vice versa. What really gets on my nerves is when people say something aroung the lines of, "Save the wolves. Wolves have never done anything wrong. We should bow down to wolves and polish their lower intestines! All Hail Wolves!" You rarely hear this of other, less popular animals, such as caribou? Yes, we kill wolves. Yes, wolves kill us. But they are like us in some respects as they basically torture caribou to death. Its the same with all predators, nomad lions kill every cub once they take over a pride. Cats play with their prey until they die. Crocodiles drown their prey and dislocate their joints by death roll. We are predators, and like all predators, we kill animals and demolish ecosystems. Yet, we do it quite humanely, a bullet to the head is a secound of pain, while a death roll can last for minutes. We should also be discussing the KFC chickens. Which are battery farmed, and then boiled in a pot, often alive. That, is a bad situation.

2:23pm May 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 455
yes i dont like the mistreating of chickens and other livestock animals. however i think that aerial wolf hunting is a bad issue too.
7:27pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 1,369
The ENTIRE RAINFOREST in comparison to a house? It's pretty ovbious everyone is going to choose the godforsaken forest when it's just one freaking house on the other end. Now if you said something along the lines of all the houses in the world or the rainforest, there's a though choice.
8:03pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 2,556
Animals. If that ecosystem dies it could cause a chain reaction WHich ultimately would kill the human race.
10:34pm May 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 189
save the animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wat u got boy is hard find i think about it all the time. i'm all strung out my heart is fried.
i just cant get you off my mind-ke$ha
10:41pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 10:41pm May 10 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,588
Save trees, animals and Insects and aracnids (spiders and scorpions)
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
8:11am May 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 189
forests have oxygen 4 them and animals 2 save them so ppl don't need 2 cut them down
wat u got boy is hard find i think about it all the time. i'm all strung out my heart is fried.
i just cant get you off my mind-ke$ha
2:37pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 2:46pm May 11 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
Eh, Lolbot pretty much stated whatever was on my mind. I'll try not to repeat too much on what he said. <:3
But... meh, I still don't like the idea of rainforests going poof - in any country. ;/ Or anything natural going poof, for that matter. Our planet's the Goldilocks of the solar system - just right. Perfect. Because of one little stroke of chance, our globe was suddenly capable of supporting life, and to incredibly complex measures too. After billions and billions of years of utterly-natural development, the human race literally sprang into existence, along with countless other races. Compare us to the rest of the seven planets - don't you feel special?
But, yet again, how are people going to make a living out in poor countries? It's easy for us lucky Westeners to say - "Save the enviroment, save the animals!" but how many of you are truly, really, aware of how tough the lives of millions of people are? We privelidged Americans, Brits, and a whole *censored*ortment of fortunate races are so obnoxious to the real, honest-to-God needs of humans that make up most of the world's human population. It's easy for us - we've got plenty, even too much. I'm against the destruction of natural enviroments, of course, and against the endganerement of threatened species. Trust me, I go all torn when I see orang-utans having to be taken into safety reserves. It's simply ridiculous. But unless we really stick our fingers out, and see the world from all viewpoints and try to understand other people, we're just gonna look pretty arrogant, aren't we? We oughtta start looking for solutions for every human being in the world, and not withdraw into our own country's needs. I don't think the human race could get more selfish, or at least, more disruptive. However, I do get pretty irked about all this "humans are stupid i wish i was a wolf!!1!" business. ;/ Er, hello - you're a human, accept that. If you hate your race so much, ditch everything you got - house, electricity, medical care, even clothing - and go live feral with the wolves. Then see how lucky you are to be a part of the dominant race on the planet. And not all humans are bad. D: You, yourself, wishing for world peace and for everyone to get along says enough, doesn't it? Humanity is a unique race - capable of beautiful dreams, and terrible nightmares. What we make of our lives is what determines the balance of the world. Of course there are gonna be bad eggs in the world - thousands of 'em. But there are millions of good people, too. ;/ It also irks me when people are willing to save wolves and tigers, but what about the okapi? Prezwalski's horse (possibly misspelled)? The bongo? Muntjac deer? Various primate species? It surprises me how many people disapprove of monkeys. I know chimps might not be the prettiest of mammals, but they're still as valuable as a wolf, ora lion, or a golden eagle in the world. If you're willing to save one species, you'd better be prepared to save them all. Chickens, godsake - why do people cage them? D; They give us ommeletes, damnit!
"if humans are so smart, they should find a way to live with animals peacefully and kill when animals only need to be killed. not just for sport." The human race is smart, Tokyo. Incredibly smart. We've managed to shoot some chaps out to the moon and back. We've succeeded in cloning. We've saved many species of wild animals from extinction. But we're also terribly arrogant, ignorant, and selfish. With intelligence comes stubborness, and unfortunately, lots of clever people put their intellect to harmful uses. I get what you mean though - if we're so smart, how come we're unable to try and predict the catastrophes that could occur if we continue killing our Goldilocks planet? Unfortunately, epiphanies frequently come after miscalculations.
