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Shut Up And Use Another Word

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2:02pm Jan 15 2011

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Posts: 3,426


Seriously! I'm so sick and tired of hearing so many people use this term insultingly. 

Do you even know what you're saying?


Originally, gay meant "jovial or happy, good-spirited". Now most people think of gay as a homosexual male.
But now a lot of people are using it as an insult or to call something stupid!


A few years back, there was a commercial airing on teen and children frequented channels.

You can also find other videos by looking up "that's so gay think before you speak" on youtube.

This one's kinda stupid, but here's the important part. 

 "When you say "that's so gay", do you realize what you say?

Do you think it's alright to just insult an entire group of people? Do you think it makes you cool? What do you gain from calling something gay? Nothing! In fact, you get people like me pissed at you more than anything else and you make yourself look like a jerk and an idiot.

Even something like calling Justin Beiber gay.
You're calling him gay because, more likely than not, you hate him. Does that mean that gay's are the people that everyone hates? If you don't like someone, they're automatically gay because gays aren't liked?

Where in the world does your logic come from?

Just the other day at school, some idiots were pretending to be gay with each other. Acting like stereotypical gays and saying things like "you know you want me" and "it's alright, she's on the first floor."

I really had a hard time not spinning around and punching them. It's so irritating to have to deal with hearing idiots talk like this all the time, both online and offline.

If you're homophobic or don't like homosexuals, express you dislike in a form thats not offensive.

Using the term "gay" as an insult is starting a wild fire! As soon as you cross that line, others will.

And you know what? In real life, there's not much I can do. Nothing will make those idiots act like decent humans, whether I resort to my first instinct of violence or actually tell them to cut it out. 

But on Res, calling something gay is actually breaking the rules.
Wanna know how?

"- The discussion of sexuality, politics and religion is allowed but any inflammatory, agressive or degrading comments about any of these is not accepted. It is also against the rules to promote any one choice. We are a diverse site and enjoy being such. Remember that inappropriate language is not allowed upon the site."

By calling something gay, you are technically turning it into an inflammatory or degrading term. Therefor, you are basically degrading homosexuality. You're breaking the rules.


HypnoxSpazz 5evr

2:26pm Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1
i hear what u r sayin'. i hate people calling me that

2:32pm Jan 15 2011 (last edited on 2:34pm Jan 15 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
I agree whole heartedly.
Not necessarily because I am, but... because there are so many different words that could be used in place of that... it's just...
I guess I find it sad that a word that once meant happy has turned into some sort of insult, and also that as a name for a group of people, others don't take into consideration what they're saying before trying to insult someone with the same word.
It bothers me too when I have friends who try to insult each other by shouting "You're a lesbian!"
I mean... maybe it's because I am and don't openly call myself that, but it does hurt a little bit as much as I try to ignore what's said.
Not sure where I'm going, but... If anything I agree that people should find other words to express themselves, and other ways to intertain themselves. People are immature and ignorant sometimes... makes you wonder.


2:33pm Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 379

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,

Merry, merry king of the bush is he

Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra,

Gay your life must be.


By saying 'gay' as stupid, does that mean that the Kookaburra is homosexual? I completely agree with you.


4:24pm Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
I agree completely


5:02pm Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,082

Before I start, I must say that I don't approve of the current use of the term "gay," but it should be known that words change their meaning over time.

The word "lame" once meant to describe someone that is crippled and physically disabled. Nowadays it's used to describe something that is considered stupid.
Sames goes for the word "dumb," which originally described someone that couldn't talk.
It's quite possible thatback in the day,

I am in no way saying it's okay to call something/someone "gay" in a derogatory manner. I don't like it. I don't use it. I just feel people are being a tad oversensitive about it.
Hell, I know some LBGT people that use the term in that way themselves.

Don't get me wrong. I'm no homophobe of any kind. Just putting in my two cents here.


On a somewhat similar topic:

It's a pet peeve of mine when somebody calls Justin Bieber "gay." As Loki said on the OP, people call Bieber gay because they "hate" him.

I doubt anybody here knows him in person, let alone enough to have a genuine reason to acutally hate Justin as a person.
Hating his singing I can understand, but hating him for the person he is? No. Just no.

Not quite going through puberty =/= Homosexual.
If that was the case, quite a portion of the population would be homos.
Not that it would be a bad thing.


All I need to do now is to hope that nobody is particularly offended by my little opinion.


10:13pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 10:18pm Jan 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 14

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use it here, but I usually use the word that refers to a mental-disorder. But that's not entirely slang when I use it because when I call something [that] I genuanly believe that some sort of mental-disorder was involved in its creation.

Of course in my line of work it's a technical term meaning slow, so I'm practically surounded by things that fit that deion.


All that said, you do realise that when people say 'gay', depending on the context they're not really refuring to homosexual males. And just so you know, half my friends are gay, and they don't really give a cow if someone calls something gay, because they just aren't that narcasistic.


7:50pm Jan 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,120

I feel the same.

I sometimes goof around with my friends, doing the things that those 'Idiots' from your school.  I'm not too proud of it.

However, in school, whenever someone uses the word 'gay' incorrectly, I snap back and momentarily forget that they're not the only ones.

It's wrong to judge like that.

The sad thing is, half of those people don't despise homosexuals.  They just caught on to the trend.

I know someone homosexual.  I love them all the same, and have not lost an ounce of respect for them.


12:59am Jan 19 2011 (last edited on 1:04am Jan 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 14

This whole subject is mental if you ask me. If I use the word gay, that doesn't mean I'm homophobe, if I use the word black it doesn't mean I'm racist; it just means that the thing I'm describing at that moment in time happens to be an extremely dark color.

 And I just noticed, GingerNut's last post. Don't do that to one of my favorite bush songs. It's worse than an insult, it's desecration.


1:53am Jan 19 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Pfft, even Barney changed that Kookaburra.
They made it "save some room for me"

I admit, I'm bi. I lean towards guys a little more (but some girls really turn me on. LOL :c), but I still get really pissed when someone says "gay".

Calling something less derogatory is gonna kill you. Riiiight.

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