Staff of Res Weekly, come here.

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10:25pm Oct 7 2010 (last edited on 2:22pm Oct 11 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

Listen up staff of Res Weekly, I’ve finally recruited all the necessary staff for the newspaper so now we can get up and running. I’m going to post our a.ssignments here from now on, so please check up regularly.

NOTE: To all those lurkers, please refrain from posting here. I know it seems rude to exclude, but I needed somewhere to keep my updates without having to create multiple r-mails.

NOTE: The layout of Res Weekly will most likely change, since I haven’t inserted all the parts I need into it. So don’t get confused when I show our final copy to you guys. xD


Lathrine – I want you to come up with a simple comic for the first issue. Funny, short and quick. Not too much bigger than six panels, and make the drawings clear in case I need to resize them smaller.

Veraz – Res Weekly has a mascot and I’d like you to draw him/her for the first issue. I’ve got a ref here so you won’t be lost. Colored please, and not too large, since he’s going to go in our featured character area.

.:Fashion Updater:.

Mythalian – Anything you want obviously. Keep it short. If it ends up too long I’ll edit the final version then r-mail it back so you can check it. I’ll try not to butcher it.


Inkabel – I’m fine with your writing so I’ve accepted you. Anyways, like I mentioned write about anything so long as it doesn’t collide with Myth or Scarlet.

Webaweba – Well, same as Inkabel. I’ll tell you guys if your writing collides with each other’s or others.

.:Contest Judges:.

Crystle – Since the contests haven’t been started yet you guys don’t actually have anything to do.

Shao – Same

Frank – Same


Innagong – Columnists, time to update all of Rescreatu on the latest hot topics. Is the economy doing well, the stocks rising or falling, what sort of items (excluding fashion) have been released recently?

Scarlet – Same for you.

NOTE: Unfortunately, Contest Judges will not be paid till the second Issue when there are contests to be judged. Please accept my apologies. ;c


10:37pm Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 215
Alrighty, I'll see what I can come up with. c: I'm sure I've got a SB conversation or something lying around I can comic-ize if I can't think of anything.

"Stay thy blade from the flesh of the innocent. Hide in plain sight. Never compromise the Brotherhood."
Live and die by the Assassin's Creed. Will you take the Leap of Faith?

10:38pm Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 249
When is the firts edition of Res weakly and how to people read it?

10:44pm Oct 7 2010 (last edited on 10:51pm Oct 7 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
@Inkabel: This weekend. I won't be having internet so either the Tuesday/Wednesday after Thanksgiving if you guys are done, or on the actual weekend if someone can post for me. As for where, I decided the Writing forum. I can't edit blogs for some reason and the Advertisement forum swamps quickly.
@Lathrine: Thanks Wifey. ;)
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10:49pm Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 215
I shall see if I can come up with something by then, then! c: Be forwarned. You ain't married to the queen of humor. o_o I can occasionally manage a really bad, subtle-as-a-brick joke. I'm probably going to be pulling every plug I can think of for this, and it likely still won't be funny. xD;

"Stay thy blade from the flesh of the innocent. Hide in plain sight. Never compromise the Brotherhood."
Live and die by the Assassin's Creed. Will you take the Leap of Faith?

10:53pm Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 249
Ok should start now?

10:53pm Oct 7 2010

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Posts: 9,641
@Lathrine: Don't ask what the swan is for. ;c I'm testing something. Oh, and that's alright. SB is a fine thing to pull a humorous subject from. :)


10:56pm Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 249
Ok shall I send it to you in Rmail?

10:56pm Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
@Inkabel: Now would be best if we're going to get this first issue out by this weekend. If not I'll see if we can set Wednesday as the deadline.


11:03pm Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 249
Ok sent to you

11:49pm Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 249
hmm so what days do we get paid?

1:43pm Oct 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,120

On it.  :)

I'm doing the new dye color jeans.


2:51pm Oct 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,914

OMG. I'm posting it. ;c Saturday or Sunday? Layout? Font? Size? Colour? Slogan?


Ohwow, I sure know how to give people a bad time. Anyways, on it, as soon as I decide exactly what to write about. o__o

Flashbacks, warm nights,
Almost left behind.
Suitcases of memories,
Time after time.


2:58pm Oct 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,914
Lololol I really want to do horoscopes. 8c But that isn't really something a columnist would do.

Flashbacks, warm nights,
Almost left behind.
Suitcases of memories,
Time after time.


4:09pm Oct 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

Hm... could I maybe do Wyrae? c:

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


11:10pm Oct 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 700
But I don't have a tablet yet. D; Can it be traditional?


11:32pm Oct 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 700

I’ve got a ref here so you won’t be lost.

Lol, where?


10:57pm Oct 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 249
weba I am doing that!

1:55pm Oct 11 2010 (last edited on 2:34pm Oct 11 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

Ink was already doing Wyrae. There`s been a new update so hopefully there won`t be any arguments. -flail-

Inna, Columnist does anything, as long as it doesn`t concide with the other writers of Res Weekly. I want to see what you come up with for horoscopes. xD

Also, you get paid as soon as Det has posted the first issue. As mentioned above, Contest Judges aren`t getting paid till the second issue. Since they`re not judging until then.

Veraz, I don`t mind. I`ll probably get you to update him/her once you get your tablet, but for now it doesn`t matter.


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 (Done by me. No stealing please. ;c)


I need to name and gender-ize this mascot, so I`m holding a poll. I`ve come up with one combo, but feel free to add your own. ;) I just felt like we can`t have this little thing genderless or nameless.

Vimmy - Male - Det


2:56pm Oct 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 700
Yep, sure Det. I'll update it as the first thing I do when I get my tablet. ;3 It's soooo cute lol. Likey. :D -doodles-

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