What should I do?

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5:12pm Dec 5 2010

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Posts: 6,590

Okay.  So I felt bad for this one boy.  He was constantly bullied at my school...and I was the only one who didnt laugh, and encouraged the others to stop laughing.

Since then, he's been thanking me often... and he would always smile at my back during math clas.s LAST year.  He would shower me with compliments; which was enjoyable for A TIME... but I dont like being the center of all that attention.  So it began to get on my nerves...I know that may seem mean so my apologies.  And he would talk highly of me to EVERYONE.  and follow me around in the hallways.  I sprinted to clas.s or stayed in the center of my circle of friends; who were some of the bullies towards this kid (I stopped them from bullying him)...and for a time...he left me alone.  But sure enough it started back up again, and he even gave me flowers and chocolates on valentines day...and he would blush when we switched papers in math.  My friends in math (Briana, Britt, and Devina) always gave me weird looks, and joked saying he was "Crushing".  I ignored this and continued on with my school life.

During the summer of last year, he moved away...like across the country.  And I thought that was it.

But then...strange stuff started happening.


It was the beggining of my freshman year (this year) and...

I start getting these random text messages from a number I dont know.

Then... The boy adds me on facebook.  Me being "Nice" accepts.  he starts talking to me and writing on my wall.  He admits its him sending the text messages, and when I ask where he got it.  he says "Idk."

I'm starting to get a little freaked out.  He wont leave me alone...he texts me every morning (like 6 am) saying "GOOD MORNINGGG SONJA!" and I dont respond to a single message he says...hoping he will just leave me alone.  (Im on a texting plan)  but it seems its just encouraging him to keep bothering me.  My friends did everything they could... commenting on his wall posts "Leave her alone" and texting him from a blocked number.  And each time he says "Who are you?  Leave ME alone."


It may just be me getting paranoid...but then it got worse.

He MEMORIZED the EXACT outfit I wore on the FIRST day of school LAST year.  And reminded me of it... and I quote.  "You looked really great on the first day of school,  the skirt and tank really complimented your features.  I remember.  The skirt was a pale green with a zipper in the front, the top was a black tank, with a black wrap to match.  You wore silver flats and a string of pearls around your neck/wrists.  And your hair was straightened."  At this point I had mixes of emotions

But no.  it gets stranger. 

He starts throwing facts at me about myself that even I FORGOT about.  Like...what soccer teams I have played for.  My fastest time for the 100/200 meter dashes in track.  My favorite colors, My bus number, my favorite stores, foods, ect.  Even my exact height

THEN.  My computer started acting strange.  I was on facebook, and then my computer freezes up and eventually just crashes.  Goes black and everything.  Then I get a message from him saying  "Computer problems?"


I am totally freaked out... and I almost cry every time he talks to me. And if you know me...you KNOW I dont cry...and dont get tormented easily... I am "Tough" if you will.


The messages still go on as of NOW.  I deleted him from facebook, but he still texts.  Should I tell someone?  Am I insane?  Am I really just paranoid? Sorry if you think this was a waste of a post

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5:32pm Dec 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 338
You're to nice, Fun o.O  thats really creepy.  I would deffinatly tell someone.

Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)

6:33pm Dec 5 2010

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Posts: 94
He sounds like a stalker. You should tell somebofy.

8:23pm Dec 5 2010

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Posts: 1,120

Tell your parents, like now. O_o

I'm serious.  That's really creepy, and when I say he's a 'stalker' I don't use the term lightly.  He sounds like he doesn't have a crush, he has an OBSESSION.


9:26pm Dec 5 2010

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Posts: 3,642

Snap. That's really unnerving, even just reading it. o_o

You should definitely tell someone. Someone who can make him stop. I'd say tell him to stop yourself, but.. that might not be the greatest way to go. This kid is scary.


9:41pm Dec 5 2010

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Posts: 4,848

Oh dear, I've heard of things like this before.  D:

Tell someone you trust as soon as possible, and block his number so he can't text you anymore.  (You can do that by calling your phone company I believe.)

Try not to be caught alone, make sure at least one person is with you, and that you always have a cell phone with you to call for help.

Tell the police too, things like this can get real bad, real fast.  Although confronting him may be a good thing, it can also turn out very bad, since people like this can act rashly and impulsively.

Maybe even carry a weapon with you.  That may be a bit to far though o_o; But still, it's best to be safe then to regret it later.


9:42pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 9:44pm Dec 5 2010)

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Posts: 6,590

 You guys are right... I'm crying just thinking about it.  I'm at a point where I check my closet/under my bed before I sleep.  My dad was worried when he noticed this, and asked me about it...  And just today after I read all your posts (literally, after ribunny's), I broke down into tears and confessed it all to my father.

 He says this is really scaring him as much as it is me.  (Showed him the text messages).  He says he will track down every family with the same last name in the state the kid is supposed to live, and talk to the parents.

If that dosnt work then he's calling the cops.



Thanks for all your opinions

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11:42pm Dec 5 2010

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Posts: 1,082

I'm with everyone here.

Man, I hope everything gets resolved with him! ;--;


2:44am Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 1,018
Tell your parents,
Block the number,
Scan your computer for virus',
Get good, reliable fire walls, etc.


6:01am Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 65

-hugs for fun-

get avast antivirus for your computer it is free and it really works.

tell your parents and stay with your friends when going out.

take care,


Aliit ori'shya tal'din. (Family is more than blood(lines). )

Friends, Family, are the best treasures!

I have an order for one of these Creatu: blonde Mirabilis


7:11am Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 854

*huggles Fun*  It's horrible that this happened when you where just trying to be nice to this kid.  I think Ribun is right about what you should do.  This boy seems to be obsessed, and it's best for both of you that he receive some kind of professional help immediately.  Show the police the text messages and any other messages of his that you've saved, and file a report in case you need to take some kind of legal action against him later.  Also, tell them about the computer incident and have your comp checked thoroughly for viruses or any other suspicious programs.  Follow Allucore's advice and install reliable security software on your computer.

I also think you should find someone you can trust to talk about this with, such as a close friend or a counselor.  Don't let the stress of the situation get to you.  You shouldn't have to be in tears over some creep with boundary issues.  I hope this gets worked out soon.


3:26pm Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 6,590

Thanks so much guys... and it looks like things are taking a turn for the worse. 

He's starting to call now (I of course dont pick up).  I played the messages for my dad/friends and they are totally spooked.  He asked me "Why arent you awake at 11?"  and when I didnt pick up after the first like 20 calls, he YELLED at me on the phone.  Using curse words and everything.

AND it turns out he is visiting my town again this weekend and says "he cant wait to see me"


 I am totally scared, and I am staying with a friend the whole weekend.

Its even worse now... my parents are going to court to find me a restraining order...I didnt want it to go that far.

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5:55pm Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Oh my, Fun. That sounds terrible. I've never been stalked, but I offer you good luck. 

And even though court sounds scary, if he's stalking you like that it might be slightly necessary. o__o;


6:21pm Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 1,120

Fun:  I went online and read about stalking.  Here's a link, from what I can tell I think that it's delusional stalking.


You'll be just fine, don't worry.  I am positive that as long as you stay safe and smart, you'll get through this. 

My advice is to always be with at least one person over the age of 18.  Being honest, a 12 year old girl isn't going to be able to really help you if someone tries to harm you.  Bring your dad, mom, or if you have any older siblings.  Bringing a weapon seems really extreme to me, but if you do, I would recommend a pen.  ALWAYS keep a FULLY CHARGED cell phone with you.  You also might wanna read up on self defense.

Probably the best way to defend yourself is the 5-second knockout:

1) Lurch your elbow forward into their face, 2) draw back and jab them in the eyes with your pointer and middle finger, 3) grab their shoulders and pull their crotch into your knee quickly, and finally, 4) bash their ears.  ONLY do this if you are in a life threatening situation.  If someone comes up behind you, quickly scrape your foot down their shin, turn, and perform step three of the five second knockout.

Most importantly, if you feel like someone's following you, grab your cell phone and call your mom/dad and keep them on the phone with you while you run.  As fast as you can.

You shouldn't have to deal with this crap, Fun.  No one should.


6:21pm Dec 6 2010

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6:25pm Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 1,120

Oh, and Fun, I just read your post:

When you're at your friends house, as soon as you see her parents explain to them whats going on.  Tell them EVERY DETAIL.  Not just;"Um, Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so, there's a boy that has been stalking me and I really thought it was importand for you to know that."  Tell them about the calls, the texts, and how he said he 'can't wait to see you.'  Better safe than sorry, and I'm sure they would rather know this than not.


7:23pm Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 3,991

Dude Fun that is terrible. That is creepy as hell, I can't believe...gosh i can't....o__O''

God, I hope things get better. I mean If I knew you in real life. I would like grab my bb gun and find the guy for you and shoot him up. Then beat him down with a stick. Really, I'm not even joking I'm a violent person XP

But get that restraining order. Its good for you. And you should call the company and block his number from your phone, really if this persists ( I probably spelt thta wrong), I watch too much tv so I have an over active imagination, but anyways do what Mythalian said.

That is just creepy. I hope this gets better for you. Also you should try taking the sim card or battery out of your phone every night. Not to freak you out even more, but on the news I saw that there was this spyware thing wear you can tap into someones phone and hear what they're saying even if they aren't using their phone.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

11:18pm Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 1,018
I would say...stay inside till things are settled. ;m;
Und its good it went that far for your safety.


3:11pm Dec 7 2010

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Posts: 6,590

Thanks Det ^^

Myth: thanks so much for giving me that information/advice, it deffinatly helps to stay on guard.  Its really appreciated!  And dont worry, I explained the whole thing to them today.

Serenity: don't worry I'm violent as well.  But thanks, its nice knowing you would do that for me.

thanks Allur.


The restraining order is in debate, we should have word by tomorrow at the latest.

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be back tonight


3:22pm Dec 7 2010

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Posts: 1,120
No problem, Fun. 

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