"Your portfolio is currenty worth 202,100,585 tu."
Best buys for today, August 6, 2011 at post-noon stock reset: TOY, SWE, ANT, SQU. If you can, buy 50K shares of one of those before reset tonight - TOY, SWE, and SQU usually will turn a profit faster than ANT will.
The reason some people have a portfolio worth hundreds of millions is because we've been investing daily - or almost daily - on a long-term basis.
I never pass up a chance to buy stocks (the whole 50K shares!) when there is nothing to sell. This way, I end up with shares in just about every stock, and with more than one day's selling amount (more than 50K shares) in each stock also.
This gives more chance of having something worth selling, and if that particular stock does well for several resets in a row (like POT did recently) then I've got a chance at making 20M or more per day for several days.
Hope this helps :D