{S} Formal Drachid

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12:00pm May 18 2014 (last edited on 12:49pm May 18 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 285
Selling Formal Drachid Clothing, and other Clothing Mostly Taking TU, But, Will take other offers. 

23mill Each for the drachid clothing. (Can accept trades) 

Also selling 30CP, for 25mill, Might haggle. 

Black Noctis Coat= 30mill. 

~Other Clothing~


4:33pm May 18 2014


Posts: 1,586
I'll buy the dress ~ Sending 23 mill your way


7:09am May 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 461
Any chance i could trade a pair of the albino drachid pants for those black ones? :)

Roditore Queen, Always

11:33am May 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 285
@titanium, no thanks I'm mostly just looking for  TU. 
Sorry :/ 

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