[S] Names, Seasonals, and other things Nine is too lazy to list.

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5:07am Apr 16 2012 (last edited on 6:43am Apr 17 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 122
Plain and simple.
No pets, or items.
Unless name tags.
Nine just needs TU to help Jess.
(And Nine wants to clear out her rancher/showroom)

Aciel - Mutant VeramSepia Ivik
Aciel - Mutant Veram | Nezki - Sepia Ivik | Sesshomaru - Albino Zenirix
Mushra - Ginger Iluvu
Mutanator - Mutant Roditore
Append - Sepia Otachie
Belze - Natural Otachie
Bernese - Sepia Zenirix
Blayne - Ginger Uilus
BRS - Natural Iluvu
Duie - Natural Iluvu
Dyle - Natural Tesuri
Email - Natural Roditore
Endearment - Natural Drindian
Gakiro - Black Ebilia
Hellcats - Black Skaldyr
Hye - Ginger Ebilia
Imitator - Natural Skaldyr
Jiek - Natural Iluvu
Kimylas - Ginger Zenirix
Kingdome - Natural Kayoki
Kutal - Sepia veram
Lamington - Cream Meiko
Lederhosen - Natural Meragon
Ninjitsu - Sepia Malal
Okikurmi - Natural Zenirix
Poetaster - Sepia Gondra
PrincessFuse - Natural Kayoki
Strictly - Natural Meragon
Tarina - Natural Otachie
Thieves - Black Sirleon
Toes - Natural Gobia
Trenu - Black Tesuri
Uehi - Natural Iluvu


White Broken Heart Shards (x 1)

White Rock Candy Heart (x 1)

Why I am the Better Sister by Xoria (x 1)

Why My Sister Sucks by Xespa (x 1)

Winged Tesuri Sword (x 2)

Winter Shaefu Squishy (x 1)

Wyrae Volume One: Morphing Madness (x 2)

Xorias Charm of Protection (x 1)

Yellow Glass Bauble (x 1)

Yellow Plastic Easter Egg (x 1)

Yellow Rock Candy Heart (x 2)

You Are Cute Card (x 1)

A Dangerous Game (x 1)

A Guide to the Merchant Class (x 1)

A Guide to the Troupe Class (x 1)

A Sprig of Holly (x 1)

Albino Ivik Squishy (x 1)

Aqua Rounded Gem (x 2)

Ardur Engine (x 1)

Atquati Goody Bag (x 6)

Atquati Goody Bag 2010 (x 3)

Atquati Snow Globe (x 1)

Bag of Natural Seasonal Creatu Squishies (x 1)

Black Ivik Squishy (x 1)

Blessed Flowers (x 4)

Blue Plastic Easter Egg (x 2)

Breaking the Ice (x 1)

Bucket of Dirty Slush (x 3)

Bucket of Radioactive Slush (x 4)

Bucket of Slush (x 5)

Bucket of Yellow Slush (x 5)

Cains Sarcophagus (x 1)

Christmas Tree Squishy (x 1)

Clear Rounded Gem (x 1)

Cursed Flowers (x 1)

Cute White Witch Hat (x 1)

Drop of Synthetic Magic (x 5)

Ebilia Pumpkin (x 1)

Ebilia Whistle (x 1)

Enchanted Seaweed (x 1)

Enchanted Springs Recipe Card (x 1)

Eye Catcher Card (x 1)

Foil Wrapped Mummy Candy (x 1)

Frozen Broken Heart Shards (x 1)

Frozen Scythe (x 1)

Geeky Glasses (x 1)

Glowing Purple Flower (x 1)

Gold Mardi Gras Beads (x 3)

Green Mardi Gras Beads (x 2)

Green Plastic Easter Egg (x 1)

Green Water Flower (x 1)

Hacker Smacker (x 2)

Halloween YAM Ring (x 1)

Happy Bear (x 1)

Happy Heart Potion (x 1)

Heart Balloon (x 2)

Heart Necklace (x 1)

Holiday Sweater (x 1)

How to Hatch a Tesuri Egg (x 1)

I Luv U Card (x 1)

Ice Sickle Darts (x 1)

Ice Yoyo (x 1)

Jaaku Yoyo (x 1)

Knockoff Happy Heart Potion (x 2)

Large Smoothed Driftwood (x 1)

Lump of Chocolate (x 1)

Lump of Coal (x 1)

Mardi Gras Recipe Card (x 5)

Mark of the Soulless (x 1)

Mummy Tesuri Squishy (x 1)

Murren Box Car (x 1)

Mystery Egg (x 2)

Natural Ivik Squishy (x 1)

Orange Water Flower Valentine (x 1)

Painted Easero Egg (x 1)

Painted Iluvu Egg (x 1)

Painted Jaaku Egg (x 1)

Painted Roditore Egg (x 1)

Painted Uilus Egg (x 1)

Painted Veram Egg (x 1)

Phaedas Journal Volume 1 (x 1)

Pine Cone Bird Treat (x 1)

Pink Broken Heart Shards (x 1)

Pink Plastic Easter Egg (x 1)

Pink Rock Candy Heart (x 1)

Pink Rounded Gem (x 2)

Poinsettias (x 2)

Pumear (x 1)

Purple Mardi Gras Beads (x 5)

Purple Plastic Easter Egg (x 1)

Red Plastic Easter Egg (x 1)

Red Rock Candy Heart (x 2)

Red Rope Flower (x 1)

Relcore Berries (x 1)

Resurrection Potion (x 2)

Scria Berries (x 1)

Scria Goody Bag (x 2)

Scria Snow Globe (x 2)

Shimmering Shell (x 1)

Small Smoothed Driftwood (x 3)

Soulless Eyes (x 1)

Soulless Fabric (x 1)

Soulless Hair (x 1)

Soulless Scar (x 1)

Starburst Print Easter Egg 08 (x 1)

Tamia Haunted Slingshot (x 1)

The Desert on Atquati (x 2)

The Rules of Rescreatu (x 1)

Tinsel Scarf (x 1)

Tiny Clam Shell (x 2)

Trumpet Shell (x 2)

Undead Tesuri Squishy (x 1)


5:14am Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
And no Not all my Shaefus belong to you! xD


5:15am Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 122
They do. You just don't know it yet. c;


5:16am Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Well, One is mein... Named 'HappyBirfday' From 14bm, GOT IT FOR MEH B DAY :3


5:18am Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 122
How suiting. xD


5:22am Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Duh xD
Good luck selling :D


5:24am Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
Nine. I love you and hate you. :|


5:24am Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 122
Just kidding.
You love Nine all the time. c8


5:26am Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
lol I do love you. <3


2:42pm Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 105
Sesshomaru <=== Do you have an idea of a price range?


3:14pm Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 328
How much for painted uilus egg?


10:44pm Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 98
30mil for Sessy =3

I see you shiver with antici... pation.
It\'s not easy having a good time! Even smiling makes my face ache!

11:09pm Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 122
@xMirandax - Nine's found an offer she likes, thank you~ c:

@LadyYelena - Make an Offer.

@LoneVarg - ...Nine'll accept that.


11:36pm Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 328
ummm idk 1.5 mil?


11:48pm Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 122
Yeah, sure. That sounds fine. Nine'll send it over~


11:53pm Apr 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 328
Tu sent :) Thanks!


12:45am Apr 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 98
Good. Now Jess can stop ranting.

I see you shiver with antici... pation.
It\'s not easy having a good time! Even smiling makes my face ache!

12:51am Apr 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 122
...Nine see what you did there.
But really you didn't have to. Sessy is yours. ;c


5:57pm Apr 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 98
..She want ranting/whining. I had to. >8I

I see you shiver with antici... pation.
It\'s not easy having a good time! Even smiling makes my face ache!

9:35pm Apr 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
8C I want not ranting. I was ranting how bad the voices were. I was telling you I don't want  Nine selling. -pouts-

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