10:30pm Feb 28 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 436
I love making forums that are obnoxious.I love being obnoxious. If you want me to stop being obnoxious, buy my obnoxious belongings. ThANK. I'm a messy, unorganized and lazy type of person (well, not really I'm just lazy.) So I'm not going to colour-code, break off into sections or post pictures. wow gee I hope this isn't an immediate attention grabber!! I might even sell stuff in the Profile category who knows ahahahahahah!!!
so wao
3:06am Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 170
Would you do a bulk price for all four cyids in the for sale category? Or perhaps a trade of sorts.
*8/15/17 still looking for 6 more mutants berroks*
10:12am Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 611
Hi sell me Riddle l0l
GL!! :) Don't settle for anything I wouldn't ~
10:27am Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 436
lmao sells u rIDD:E11!! okay bae ily xo@MidnightRunner, it depends on how much pure you were planning to pay.
Lemon Dye Kit: 3.79m Azure Dye Kit: 7m (aren't these usually worth 4m?) Magenta Dye Kit: 4.49m Lime Dye Kit: 7.195m
Nattie Cyid: 3.4m x 4 = 13.6m
All together= 36,075,000 TU I could probably haggle that down to 28m.
so wao
10:32am Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 347
hello . I would like to buy five ebbies. A mixture of nattie and sepia ebbies. Paying one mil for them all. Sounds okay ?
10:37am Mar 1 2014 (last edited on 11:48pm Nov 28 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 436
so wao
11:47am Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 223
“I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.” ~Kahlil Gibran
11:50am Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 436
Hm, I'm not really sure on Ethyl tbh ;_; Most of my names are easier to price than others. If you have a price in mind I'd love to hear it. :)
so wao
11:53am Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 223
Oh god, I'm really, really bad with names. o_o; Um.... I guess I'd offer 15mil? idk if that's what it's worth, feel free to turn me down. Like I said... I'm really bad with name pricing. xD
“I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.” ~Kahlil Gibran
11:57am Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 436
I don't think that's a bad offer! I'll consider it. I'm just waiting for someone to get back to me on my names and would feel bad if I sold Ethyl and she wanted it, yknow? ;U;I might ask for like 20m for both the name and pet together if she doesn't want it however. c: God I've had Ethyl for a long time, this is crazy to think about selling something thats been with me forever. xD
so wao
12:01pm Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 223
Oh yeah, I get that. xD Just let me know when you hear back. 20mil sounds good, I'll be waiting to hear from you.
“I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.” ~Kahlil Gibran
12:42pm Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 198
Hey Thumpar. You have some great pets in your showroom. O: Best of luck selling!
12:43pm Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 436
Okay Mercurique! c:POE omg thank you so much, remember when we used to talk a lot?? (I do, so I hope you do too sobs.) bump.
so wao
2:03pm Mar 1 2014
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Posts: 436
so wao
4:01pm Mar 1 2014
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Posts: 571
can i have a cyid and an iluvu? a ezahni too if u have one. Please
10:11pm Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 436
Are you able to pay in pure? c: I don't believe I have an ezahni but I do have quite a few iluvu and some dyed cyids :D
so wao
10:24pm Mar 1 2014
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Posts: 1,764
How much for Brutal?
10:51pm Mar 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 170
I will take all four of the cyids for 30 mil? 28 seems a tad low. I would feel guilty for not paying as much as i could. :)
*8/15/17 still looking for 6 more mutants berroks*
10:58pm Mar 1 2014 (last edited on 12:03am Mar 2 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 436
@MidnightRunner: Okay! I'll send them over as soon as you send the payment. Thank you. c: @Soul: If Stranger doesn't want Brutal, I'd probably want 300mil ish for it? Not sure.
so wao
12:08am Mar 2 2014 (last edited on 12:11am Mar 2 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 75
Could I ask for a price check on Chillingworth, Ikral, and Arnaldi, please? c: