|Selling Rare, Retired & Event Items | Buying Names For 50mil+|

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2:45am Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 2:47am Apr 13 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
I didn't really know where to put this because it's both a buying and selling thread. 
So if it's in the wrong place, I'm sorry. ;~;

Hello there. 
This is a rather large thread consisting of four main parts. 

1. The intro. (<---You are here)
2. What I am selling.
3. What I am buying.
4. Other info/extra

Thank you for standing by.
I'm sure you'll find some business here.


2:45am Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 3:17am Apr 13 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
1. The intro.
2. What I am selling. (<---You are here)
3. What I am buying.
4. Other info/extra

I am currently selling a large selection of items, the highlights being-

Retired / Event

I have nearly every value set, most Christmas items 2012 - 2013, most of the obtainable items from the Stardust Event 2012, Halloween 2012, St. Patrick's Day 2012 - 2013, Valentine's Day 2013, 2012 April Fool's and 2013 Easter. Please ask if I have something because I could probably toss it over for half it's worth.

I also have a few pets I'd like to get rid of.


Rarity -
(Very reluctant to sell - named Tailfeathers)

I have a random assortment of Creatu with colors like blonde, seasonals, mutants and more in my showroom.

Names - 

MissAmericanPie (Uilus)
Moorish (Quelis)
Mormons (Mutant Ardur)
Murse (Narwi)
Uglier (Mutant Intes)
Zendaya (Silver Zenirix)


2:45am Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 3:32am Apr 13 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
1. The intro.
2. What I am selling.
3. What I am buying. (<---You are here)
4. Other info/extra

I am only buying a few select things, nothing more at the moment.

This old fart is sitting unnamed in my graveyard. He is a male, prehistoric Achro Wyrae, and I'm going to be quite picky with his name. I would really like for his name to have something to do with chess, such as King, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn, or even a name like Chessboard. I am also open to names such as Dull, Fade, Faded, Mono, Silver, ect. Anything describing his quiet and dull colors would be accepted as well. Obviously, these would be very expensive names, but I am simply giving examples. 
I am not accepting made-up names, two word names, names with numbers, incorrectly spelled names or words in different languages. Preferably not a name like, Blackowhiteosaurophiliodontist that is long, hard to read and a word no one even knows what is means. (By the way, that was one who studies and loves black and white lizards. Actually I'm not sure, but...)

Here we have luckforyou, an Achro Iluvu. He is male but I'd like him to have a cutesy name, preferably something to do with his coloration. Examples: Panda, Penguin, Tuxedo, ect. I'm not going to be too picky, as long as it's adorable and relates to him.
Like the Wyrae, no made-up names, two word names, names with numbers, incorrectly spelled names, words in different languages or a long, hard to read word no one even knows what is means.


2:45am Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 3:37am Apr 13 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
1. The intro.
2. What I am selling.
3. What I am buying.
4. Other info/extra. (<---You are here)

And finally, the last section. I will be covering what I will pay and what I want to be paid. This will also serve as an extra post.

What I will pay - 
 I can pay with anything in the "selling" section or in pure, which I have 95mil or so of. I am looking to spend no more than 50mil for each name, but if you have a really, really good one that you want to sell for higher, post anyway.

What I want to be paid - 
I am really only interested in pure, but if you want to offer a sweet name for one of the two creatus listed above, I'd consider greatly. Try to include some pure, however.

And that is about all! I'm glad you stopped by, and please, don't hesitate to comment here or Rmail me with any questions.


3:37am Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 3:38am Apr 13 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{You may post now~}


5:23am Apr 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

Do you have any of the clothing from the easero jester basket? c:


8:26am Apr 13 2013


Posts: 1,586
Would you be interested in Godly?


6:11pm Apr 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Manga - 
Jester basket? I'm not sure that I'm following. If you mean the Exquisite Easero Basket, then I'm not sure. I do not believe there was any clothing in available in that basket, unless you mean the Easero Headband...?

Pegasus -
Mmm, maybe. How much would you want for it?


6:18pm Apr 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

Sorry, I probably should've been clearer. Yes, the jester basket. The clothing all start with "easero jester," so I guess I kinda added that to the basket. xD


6:23pm Apr 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Manga - 
Ah, I see. I just looked it up. I'm afraid I do not have any clothing from that, nor do I know where to get one. :c Sorry.


6:24pm Apr 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

Ah, that's all right. Thanks anyway. And they're available in the cash shop.


6:41pm Apr 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,250
Price of achro ulius and mutant ulius? Also names for them?


7:30pm Apr 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 923
Hey Sona <3

How much for that mutant Easero?

As for names, would you take a look in my showroom?


7:53pm Apr 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Ram -
Hey bby. ♥
For the mutant? I don't really care. What do you value it at?
Your showroom is big and I don't know what to look for. Could you post a few names relating to what I'm looking for, please?


2:39pm Apr 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 479
How much for Xander, Sona?  ^.^

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3:12pm Apr 14 2013

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Posts: 4,355
Smuh -
I actually have no idea. x3 I have gotten a very wide variety of offers for him, so do you think you could offer? Even a ballpark range would help me get an idea for how much I want. :D


8:02pm Apr 14 2013


Posts: 1,586
Sona I might want around 20 mill for Godly


8:04pm Apr 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Pegasus -
To be honest I'm really not all that interested, sorry. :c


11:41pm Apr 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 479
Hm... 30mil, Sona?

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12:08am Apr 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Smuh -
Sounds around what I was thinking, but do you think you could do like, 37mil?

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