8:01am Jan 18 2013 (last edited on 9:24am Jan 27 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 158
Avarock's Sell Page
I am going to put up the things I have to sell because, hey, I'm selling them. This will be updated to say what sold and what new stuff there is on sale. Check back regularly and post your offers in the place below. I take pets, Tu, and items, depending on how good they are. Yay. (: By the way, I'll sell anything for some fangs. Whats for sale now:
Innocentness- best offer or 100k
Grandular- Best offer or 50k
A Ressurection Potion:
Cost: A good price or a good item/pet!
Reiflem Sword Price: Sold! (Plus, if you buy, you get this hidden avatar. The one that I have. Like?)
Mutant Drindian
Price: I'll trade for a zenirix (ginger+) or just TU.