Back again: selling lots!

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3:31am Nov 15 2013 (last edited on 3:33am Nov 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 273
Hi all!
So, this is it: I haven't been very active for months and I have lots of things to get rid of.
Which things?

There's a bunch of things in there: food, clothes, plushies, books, Halloween stuff, Valentine stuff, Comet Festival stuff, dye kits and much more.
They're all organized in categories, so it's easy for you to find what you're looking for.
I also have lots of flowers, so if you need those, just ask.

There's a bunch of things in there, too: names, creatus with effects, colored creatus and rarer ones. 
I'm selling almost everything, but the creatus in "UBER FAVS" are my darlings and I don't know if I'm ready to part with them. 
You can try, anyways.

Also, there's a few creatus in my RANCHER SHOP. Take a look and if you're interested but the price is too high, just tell me.

As I said, I haven't been active lately, so PLEASE, if you're interested in something JUST NAME A PRICE. 
State your offers, because I don't know how much things are worth these days.

If you have any questions, just send me a RMAIL or post here.


8:51am Nov 15 2013 (last edited on 8:51am Nov 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
3mill for the 2 Reiflem Goody Bags 2013? If I remember correctly, people were buying them at 2mill so I figured I'd asked a discount. Haven't checked merchant prices though so I don't know where my offer stands.


2:19pm Nov 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,403



Silver Stardust Hair (1)

Name:  Tabata
Gender:  Female
Age:  1
   calico iluvu

Name:  Marlenne
Gender:  Female
Age:  1
   iluvu albino



Calico ahea named: FishyLipps

A blonde gondra named: Lemoncreamy

Azure jaaku named: LoveHaters

Mutant gondra named: OctoDrago

Is this alright?







6:11am Nov 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 273
@lilie: Sorry, but the only creatu I'd be interested in is a blonde ardur for Kir.
@Frank: I'm keeping those for a while, thanks for the offer though. 


10:46am Nov 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 583
Would you take a blonde Ardur for one of your calico and dyed gondra? I'd let you choose what two.(:

Why yes, I AM an elderscroll addict!

11:34am Nov 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 53
Would you take 3 natural Jaaku's for your undead zenrix in your showroom? Jaaku's are named Espirideon, funny2, and Ruffules.

Check out my Weasyl!

12:49pm Nov 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 451
Omg! The name Bethy is on a blonde Ardure! PLEASE may i buy the name.. 

Hmm 20mill? Willing to haggle! Will be amazing if i could get my own name!


1:16pm Nov 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 273
@Drow: I got one, but if you're interested in a calico gondra I can sell one.
@Spottoxic: Sorry, I'm not interested in jaakus.
@iBethy: 30m and it's all yours. C:

Bed time here, I'll be back tomorrow.

3:36pm Nov 16 2013 (last edited on 3:37pm Nov 16 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 451
Maphia!! YES!!! *sends 30mill*

haha! Does the name need name tagging? as you need a blode ardur for kir, and i would only put the name on another pet..?


5:55pm Nov 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 583
Oh, I don't really have tu right now, sorry.):

Why yes, I AM an elderscroll addict!

6:57pm Nov 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 343
How much do you want for this guy? I don't have a lot of tu right now...
Name:  Perren
Gender:  Male
Age:  31
Color:  sepia
View Detailed Info

Buying all sorts of Kayokis!
Contact me if you are selling an albino Skaldyr (for Kir).

7:16pm Nov 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 89

Im interested in these things: Frost Light Icicle~ 1.5M, Rainbow Dye Set Value Pack~ 20M, Silver Stardust items~ ?,


2:22am Nov 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 273
I did a little search in merchants, so I think I'll be selling the dye set for 30m, since the lower in shops is 40m.
I'm keeping the frost light icicle, though... and which stardust items?

I'm only after tu right now, sorry. C:

I don't really know, I never sold a name... but I guess it does, 'cause after you get the name, I'll send the pet to Kir.
So, uhmmmm... how do I do this? xD

2:41am Nov 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 451
I will rmail you about it :)


6:53am Nov 17 2013 (last edited on 6:57am Nov 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 50
calico iluvu :o
my one true wish! why don't I have any tu D:
Are you still interested in a blonde ardur + 3 mil tu + any any other creatu I have (except for my iluvu cause he's a gift and my silver veram)? I'm really broke right now D:
You can see them in my showroom and a few in my profile.

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