So I've decided to go on a well needed vacation soon and will not be on for awhile. I'll be leaving next week.
At the same time i've decided to also limit my collection goals.
I have cleared out half my creatu from my showroom and moved into my rancher shop
tle="HERE" target="_blank">ja
va:nicTemp(); (will open new window) where you can buy the creatu at the price listed or rmail me another offer, I'm totally down to haggle.
You make rmail on any creatu in the RMAIL OFFERS category ONLY please :3.
(I understand that a lot of my creatu have low quality names, for that I apologize. Regardless I do realize this will lower the worth. Pleaase be fair however. And not all of my creatus names are ridiculous I promise lol)
There is no limit to what someone offers on. you can do lots as well if you'd like. just tell me what items and how much per :)
I'm doing this because again due to the hiatus these things will be literally of no use to me. I will be on for the next week to make trades :)
Thanks :)