Hi, we're Wapo and my owner is selling a ton of food, Mainly apples. I will list them for her.
100k Cake x1-10k
100k Doughnuts x1-20k
Algae Eating Fish x2-15k
Apple of Love x9-1k
Billybob Apple x2-1k
Cherry Ice Pop x1-1k
Clam Meat x2-800 tu
Easter Apple x4-70k
Expr-Apple x6-2k
Flat Grass Fish x1-90k
Flower Jelly fish x1-10k
Grass Lobster x2-800 tu
Green Apple x2-40k
Juicy Green Apple x2-10k
Kirsti Staff Apple x4-2k
Lauz Apple x2-1k
Leverene Fish x1-3k
Mutating Green Apple x5-1k
Odd Color Fish x2-40k
o_O Apple x2-1k
Pixie Apple x2-1k
Plain Cookie x1-2k
Rainbow Fish x2-9k
Red Apple x17-40k
Reiflem Berries x2-10k
Relcore Berries x6-10k
Rock Fisk x3-25k
Sand Hexapus x1-400 tu
Sand Mollusk x1-1k
Sausage and Onion Pizza x1-2k
Small Orange Hexapus x1-1k
Three Cheese Pizza x1-30k
Tiny Green Apple x2-5k
Tiny Pink Apple x2-5k
Twig Fish x1-50k
Vampire Apple x2-2k
Vanilla Ice Pop x1-80k
Wish Fish x2-80k
Yellow Apple x5-120k
Zombie Fish x1-200k
All of these prices are based on other user shops. My owner will haggle since she thinks these prices are absurd. We can also bundle things so you can get a lower price on them.