Leaving Res

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6:51pm Dec 28 2019

Normal User

Posts: 116
Hey there! As the ti
tle states I'm leaving Res. 
I find myself less and less on here and more on Flight Rising and Aywas. 
That being said, I'm trading off my pets, items and TU 

Stole this from Juke.. (Sorry)
Aywas: 1 GP = 650,000 BP
Flight Rising: 100 gems = 100,000 treasure
Rescreatu: 10 Cash Points = 10,000,000 tu

That being said nothing has a price in mind, it's an offer basis or pm and we will discuss. 

As for TU - On hand I have 650,000,000 SOON to add another 400,000,000 for a total of 1,050,000,000 TU 

Pm or post here with what interests you and an offer. 

2:04am Dec 29 2019


Posts: 3,218
Im interested in the TU, 
Would you take items and dragons for Tu or just treasure and gems? 


5:59am Dec 29 2019


Posts: 585
Same question as Zen
I’m Morgana on FR

I also have on Aywas -
 2.5 mill BP
2 SP
A few lovely customs 
Custom making items
Ghost chocolates
I’m Tea (#17698) on Aywas


8:00am Dec 29 2019

Normal User

Posts: 116
Sorry guys passed out after I made this.

Depending on the items and dragons. That goes for both Aywas and FR. I'm willing to take pets and items just depends :) 

That being said I'm MAINLY looking for BP/GP - Treasure/Gem but always willing to swing :D 

10:58am Dec 29 2019


Posts: 3,218
Rmailed some FR stuff to see if that interests you! 

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