Anything that is not under my Skaldyr tags or my 'Special Pets' tag is alright to ask about. I do price check pets before selling. There are derp pets in there, there are undead pets in there, and there are
two Black Aerix (of which I'm selling one). Will give discounts on bulk nattie, cream, or sepia purchases. Giving the money to a friend of mine who still plays here.
Please make an offer- don't ask me how much
Nov 20th EDIT: I'm also selling 25 Jaaku Eggs at 1.3 Mil each.
Accepting a trade. Will trade my pets up to the equal value for a Blond Roditore for Kir.
There are now a bunch more albinos, acros, calico, ect in the for sale category as I had a beaning luck spree. Updated December 18th.