Hello there! I have a lot of time on my hands and not much to do.
I love hunting eggs, it is my favorite past time on Rescreatu!
Do you want a certain kind of egg but dont want or have the time to search for it yourself?
Dont want to buy the eggs from the marketplace knowing there is a 50% chance of it NOT being incubated?
You've come to the right place!
I am offering my hunting services to you for a great price!
Some hunters charge by the amount of eggs, I charge one solitary fee no matter the amount of eggs nor the rarity!
I do NOT do seasonal egg hunts at this time!
You are guaranteed to have FULLY incubated eggs when they are sent to you!
So, are you interested? Then
fill out the form below!
Hunting Price: 100K Tu
Creatu to search for:
Tu Sent:
TU needs to be sent BEFORE I
start the hunt!
I shall do the egg hunts until the midnight reset. At the midnight
reset I will send you the eggs I have found!
Have no time for egg hunting? Hate the marketplace prices? Hate the 50% of the egg NOT being incubated? I do egg hunts! [LINK]