Hello, my faithful minions, this is your Overlord speaking. ಠ_ಠ
*ahem* Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know that I have eggs I don't want. A lot of them. I'll give them away... HERE, good sirs.
There's no limit to how many eggs you can take, so take as many as you want/need. c:
Tips are always appreciated, but I definitely am not begging for payment, especially since all I'm giving away are eggs. ^.^"
I'll try to keep this list updated, but I'm kind of a slacker, so if there's any mistakes and I don't figure it out until I'm about to send the eggs, please don't throw a fit. |D
Ahea x4
Berrok x3
Chimby x2
Drindian x1
Goiba x1
Gondra x2
Malal x1
Zenirix x1
Aukira x4
Berrok x4
Draqua x1
Gondra x9
Meiko x8
Murren x1
Myotis x3
Otachie x17
Vogar x1
Zenirix x1