Here is how this works, guys.
If you ask "how much is _______", I will give you a higher price then if you simply offer and I accept.
That being said, if the offer is to low, I will tell you so and a number that I feel more comfortable with.
am in no urgent mood to sell these, I don't NEED tu.
I have plenty, I
just figured people want the things I have so why not sell them.
What I will accept as payment:
Cs shop items
Art (it has to be good... and I mean, really good. Like, shoot me in the head good)
THAT IS IT. I'm sorry, I don't take pets or names or anything else. Don't ask, I don't want it.
These are retired items for the most part.
Retired Cs shop clothes go for several hundred mil of tu and the more wanted ones like fire poi and mecha wings go for a bil+
If it is retired and NOT a cs shop pet clothing item like the aerix dresses or habbie jackets, expect to pay several hundred mil.
Offers below that won't even be considered... and I'm not going to feel bad anymore saying now because I'm warning you here ;3;
All of these things can be seen in my gallery.
is more in there then this that I might take offers on BUT let it be
known, those are ones I would be attached to and you would have trouble
pulling form me.
That doesn't mean you can't offer though. It just means it will be worlds expensive