Selling alot of things to get a bino and achro jahra

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5:41pm May 11 2013 (last edited on 11:20am May 19 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
Selling a lot of things to save up for my goal of an albino and achromatic jahra so if something catches you eye then post on the thread

Creatu im selling:
ginger adultsilver adultblonde adultcalico adultrose adultamber adultazure adultlime adultorchid adulttrance adult

ginger adult

Items im selling:

Natural Kurrabi GogglesSepia Kurrabi GogglesCream Kurrabi GogglesBlack Kurrabi GogglesGinger Kurrabi GogglesSilver Kurrabi GogglesBlonde Kurrabi GogglesAlbino Kurrabi Goggles

Names im selling: 
SpringLullaby - its on a nati easero
SweepingAngel- its on a nati quelis
MuckyBlackCrayon-its on a black kurrabi
HolySock-its on a black kurrabi
ChickenKorma- its on am amber aukira
AshesOfTheUndead-its on a rose aukira
GoldenWonders-its on a blonde roditore
LittleBunnyFooFoo-its on a sepia kurrabi
Incorporealism-its on a mangenta jaaku

Items i will accept as partial or full payment: 
Albino jahra
Achromatic jahra
Dye kits 
Nati jahra
Dye kitted jahras
Name tags
Trance potion
Natural colored jellybeans
Jahra eggs
Jahra nest
Gold stardust urn
Achromatic vogar squishy

Also buying beautiful things to go in my gallary like:
Essences, cupcakes,lollys,squishys and many more
Here is a link to the items that i already have:


6:02pm May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 20
Can i have the cyid,sakura,black quelis,aerix and noctis

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6:03pm May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
yes chowder il rmail you with the prices. =]


7:57pm May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 122
How much for any of the Iviks?


7:59pm May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
45 mill each =]


8:06pm May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 122
What is the name of your Magenta ivik? :3


8:08pm May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
Pinklilly is her name =]


8:14pm May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,673

Whoo! I am going to save up 4bill, (when I pay off all my debts, I will come here)

And I will buy your two iviks. And your Shaefu+ your Calico Aukira :D

Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them

8:16pm May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
cinderheart i have just sold my azure ivik so there is nly my magenta one left but feel free to come buy =]


8:18pm May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,673

Okay then I mean 1 ivik :D

Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them

5:39am May 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 468
How much for the blonde Roditore and calico valabex?


5:42am May 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105

umm 13mill for the rodi and 11 for the valabex as its a RWN


10:10pm Sep 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 95
How much for trance aukira and indigo luvu

10:11pm Sep 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 95
and rmail back because  i will firget the link of this

6:21am Sep 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 749
How much for the indigo ardur and ginger ebbie?


10:53am Oct 4 2013 (last edited on 7:47pm Oct 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 858
Edit: Nvm

Good luck bump :)
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