10:23am May 12 2012 (last edited on 10:58pm Nov 28 2023)
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so wao
10:23am May 12 2012 (last edited on 10:59pm Nov 28 2023)
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Posts: 436
LegendFirst post: INTRO Second Post: What I'll accept<-- You are hereThird Post: Names for SaleFourth Post: Pets for Sale Fifth Post: Pets for Sale(continuation)Sixth Post: Pets for Sale(continuation)Seventh Post: Items for SaleEighth Post: Funding Ninth Post: SparePure CS items. (Beans, CS eggs, easy to sell items.) Credits
so wao
10:23am May 12 2012 (last edited on 10:59pm Nov 28 2023)
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Anchisaurus Recover Reminiscent Follicle Misdreavus Meerca Moehog Blixen Cherrytree Lucille Clean Cylinder Derick Destery Jacqueline Dionysius Ripclaw Teacher Tumidity
Normal- 1-10mil Italics- 10-15mil Green Bolded- 15-20mil Black Bolded Italics- 25mil+
so wao
10:23am May 12 2012 (last edited on 10:59pm Nov 28 2023)
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Posts: 436
so wao
10:23am May 12 2012 (last edited on 9:48am May 14 2012)
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Posts: 436
so wao
10:23am May 12 2012 (last edited on 5:31pm May 21 2012)
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so wao
10:23am May 12 2012 (last edited on 11:00pm Nov 28 2023)
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Posts: 436
so wao
11:14am May 12 2012 (last edited on 11:00pm Nov 28 2023)
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so wao
11:14am May 12 2012 (last edited on 11:00pm Nov 28 2023)
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so wao
11:16am May 12 2012 (last edited on 11:01pm Nov 28 2023)
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Posts: 436
Onhold -Euchre
so wao
11:44am May 12 2012
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Posts: 120
How much are you looking for the black Aerix and Haberisar?
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars... ♥
1:43pm May 12 2012 (last edited on 11:01pm Nov 28 2023)
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Posts: 436
120mil for the Aerix and 125mil for the Haberisar. I don't quite know the going prices, but that would be my comfortable range. What were you thinking?:3
so wao
2:50pm May 12 2012
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Posts: 436

so wao
3:46pm May 12 2012
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5:07pm May 12 2012 (last edited on 11:01pm Nov 28 2023)
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so wao
7:23pm May 12 2012
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Posts: 436
so wao
8:54pm May 12 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 328
Do you have a price in mind for the sea armband, headband, foam shawl, and tidal dress?
8:57pm May 12 2012 (last edited on 8:05am May 13 2012)
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Posts: 436
Perhaps 6 mil each? :)
so wao
9:03pm May 12 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 328
Omg that is such a good price ; ; I won't ask you to hold it but I'll definitely buy it if I get the tu saved up quickly enough. Its been part of my dream avatar forever now!
9:08pm May 12 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 126
Jw if you would consider trading san albino noctis or wyrae's for the black csers ? tis okay if you don't. :) Silver ~