Selling over 150 names come check it out (all with definitions)

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12:39am Jan 13 2015 (last edited on 6:43pm Jan 14 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 136

So first things first, this is going to be a list of over 150 names I am currently selling with definition and tense and what not

It will be broken down into 3 posts for the names so it isn't just one big long ass post that makes you go dizzy xD.

On the fourth post will be a list of other pets I am selling that's names aren't really good and those are more being sold for what their color/type of pet it is.

Feel free to rmail me an offer, or respond on here either works but odds are I'll respond quicker to rmail or on the SB if you see me there!

Names 1-62:

1) Vacivity: n, Emptiness

2) Validating: v (present participle), Check or prove
the validity or accurary of (something).

3) Variants: n (plural), a form of something that has a slight
difference in appearance in respect from forms of the same thing.

4) Vertices:In geometry, a vertex (plural vertices) is a special
kind of point that describes the corners or intersections of geometric shapes

5) Theogony: The Theogony is a poem by Hesiod describing the origins and genealogies
of the Greek gods, composed circa 700 B.C. It is written in the Epic dialect of 
Homeric Greek.

6) Underestimates: v (3rd person present), estimate (something) to
be smaller or less important than it actually is.

7) Unbelievably: adj,  Astonishing, extraordinary, or extreme

8) TwoDimensional: adj, Lacking depth or substance; superficial.

9) Trillionaire: n, a human who owns atleast 1,000,000,000,000

10) SOLD

11) SOLD

12) Extinguisher: ob
ject, fire protection device used to put out
fires/Also means to get rid of something in it's entirety.

13) Theogonia:(alternate form of Theogony)Greek for "Birth of The Gods"

14) Toolshed: Place, where a person keeps their tools and other things

15) Trespassers: plural, to be on someones land without them knowing

16) Temporize: v, avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time.

17) Tapenade: Food Dish, a Provençal dish consisting of puréed or finely chopped olives, capers, anchovies and olive oil. I

18) Survivalists: a person who advocates or practices survivalism; especially : one who has prepared to survive in the anarchy of an anticipated breakdown of society.

19) Stratum: n, a la
yer or a series of layers of rock in the ground.

20) Speakerphone: Phone Setting, Allows everyone to hear a person while talking through a device.

21) Solvable: adj, susceptible of solution or of being solved, resolved, or explained

22) Socus: Greek Mythology, Defender of Troy son of Hippasus and brother of Charops/Socus of Euboea, father of the seven Corybantes by Combe/Socus, an epithet of Hermes of obscure etymology

23) Sapiens: Latin word meaning wise

24) Sauciest: Superlative Adj, Impudent, Flippant/Bold and Lively

25) Scaredly: Adverb, In a scarred manor, with fear

26) Shamon: This is the way Micheal Jackson pronounced "Come On' in his songs.

27) Rivenwood: a spider infested forest found south of Gjalerbron in northwest Howling Fjord. In World of Warcraft.

28) Salamandra: a genus of six species of salamanders localized in central and southern Europe, Northern Africa, and western Asia.



31) Resides: v (third person present), ones permanent home in a particular place

32) Reprehend: v, to voice disapproval of/Censure

33) Refreshes: v (third person present), Give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate

34) SOLD

35) Recusant: One of the Roman Catholics in England who incurred legal and 
social penalties in the 1500s and afterward for refusing to attend services 
of the Church of England/A nonconformist

36) Rascallion:.n, low, mean wretch; a rogue; same as rascal,

37) (SOLD)

38) Purgatorio: ti
tle of the 2nd book in Dante's Inferno, represents Purgatory where the Catholic religion believes in order to reach heaven one must go to the middle (purgatory) in order to purge all sins committed while on earth.

39) Prolifically:Adverb,producing offspring, young, fruit, etc., abundantly; highly fruitful:

40) Prodding: v (present participle), poke (someone) with a finger, foot, or pointed ob

41) Proscribe: v, forbid especially by law/denounce or condemn

42) Precedes: v (3rd person present), come before (something) in time

43) Postmark:  postal marking made on a letter, package, postcard or the like indicating the date and time that the item was delivered into the care of the postal service.

44) Poolstick: ob
ject, Used to hit pool balls in order to play
the game of pool.

45) Permaguard: Company/Product, product for your teeth

46) Phob: Pre-fix or Phobia

47) Pollination: v, Process where pollen is transfered from the 
anther (male) to the stigma (female) of the plant, which allows
fertilization and reproduction. (takes place in angiosperm)

48) Oscillating: v (present participle), Move or swing back and
forth at a regular speed

49) Ortega: Brand/Hispanice Surname, known for their salsa and other hispanic food items they make.

50) Notarize: v, a notary republic reviews a document and
places a Notary stamp onto an important document for legal

51) Odorous: Adj, Having or givin off a smell

52) Olympioi: OLYMPIOI (Olympian Gods). E.g. The Mousai, Hebe, etc.

53) Negal: In DC comics he is a demon and one of the enemies
of Doctor Fate. (was in a total of 9 issues).

54) Necessarily: adverb, Inevitably/Something is necessary
and cannot be changed or avoided.

55) Maimee (May-me): n, Persons name

56) Malikah (Mal-ah-ki): n, Persons name

57) Meijin: (Game with a wooden board and black and white pebbles)/When Translated
means "brilliant man," It is the name of the second most prestigious Japanese Go Tournament. 
It also refers to a traditional Japanese ti
tle given to the strongest player of the day during
the Edo period.

58) Megaskeptile: Pokemon Evolution, Mega evolved from of Sceptile.

59) Megaforce: An Action film made in 1982 directed by former stuntman
Hal Needham, Colossal special effects and death defying stunts highlight
the futuristic thriller/Also the name of one of the Power Ranger Tv Shows.

60) Allucution: n, a formal speech giving advice or a warning.

61) Bootleggers: n (plural), a person who illegally traffics liquor in
violation of legislative restrictions on its manufacture, sale, or

62) Linguistics: n, the scientific study of language and its structure,
including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics.


12:40am Jan 13 2015 (last edited on 6:57pm Jan 14 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 136
Names 63-108:

63) Locally: Adverb, with respect to a particular place or situation/

64) Looted: v (past tense/past participle), steal goods from (a place),
typically during a war or riot.

65) SOLD

66) SOLD

67) Kreios: Kreios or Crius is a Titan in Greek mythology. He is the titan
of the heavenly constellations. His parents are Gaia and Uranos. With Eurybia
his children are Astraios, Pallas, and Perses. After the war against the 
Olympians he was banned to the Tartaros.

68) Kindrah (Ken-druh): n, persons name (1M)

69) Ketturah (Ka-Tur-uh): n, name of one of really good friends (African descent)

70) Kephalos: a name, used both for the hero-figure in Greek mythology and carried 
as a theophoric name by historical persons. The word kephalos is Greek for "head", 
perhaps used here because Kephalus was the founding "head" of a great family that 
includes Odysseus.

71) Kepheus: German for Cepheus which can stand for multiple things, in Greek
Mythology 1) Husband of cassiopeia, father of Andromeda.
2)Son of Aleos, 3)Son of Lycurgus, brother of Ankaios,
4)Father of Thespeios, 5)Constellation, 6)Crater

72) Jefro: Nick-Name for the name Jeffry (also the name of my friends dog xD)

73) Joanah: n, females name meaning "God is Gracious," Latin Origin

74) Instigated: v (past tense, past participle), bring about or initiate

75) Ideos: a dietary supplement, consisting of calcium in the form of calcium
carbonate, as well as vitamin D3. It can be used in osteoporosis in patients
at high risk of developing vitamin D and calcium deficiency

76) SOLD

77) Hyphenate: v, write with a hyphen (-)/ n, a person who is active in more
than one occupation or sphere.

78) Ignacious: An NPC in World of Warcraft also is a fire ascendant lord, one
of the members of the Ascendant Council encounter in The Bastion of Twilight.

79) Incoherently: Adverb, confused, irrational, muddled.

80) Incontrovertible: Adj, Not Controvertible; not open to
question or dispute; indisputable

81) SOLD

82) Gizmoid: A word used when talking about electronics when one
is too dumb to really know what it is.

83) SOLD

84) SOLD

85) Gritting: v (present participle), Clench (the teeth)

86) Flossing: v (present participle), To use Floss in order to clean
ones teeth of left over stuff before or after brushing ones teeth.

87) Folkish:  Folk culture, in the sense "of the common people; traditional,
sophisticated, yet unconventional

88) Footstool: n, Is a furniture item one uses in order to prop their
feet up into a more comfortable position.

89) Formulation: n, the action of devising or creating something.

90) Floated: v (past particple), rest or move on or near the surface of a liquid
without sinking.

91) Franchises:an alternative to building "chain stores" to distribute goods
that avoids the investments and liability of a chain. The franchisor's success
depends on the success of the franchises (all of the franchise stores profit
added together.

92) Frightenedly: Adverb, in a frightened manor. Ex: Tina frightenedly jumped
out of the corner and scared Rex.

93) SOLD

94) Euippe: 1)Daughter of Chiron. Mother of Melanippe. She was seduced by Aeolus 
and was changed into a horse or put in the heavens by Artemis as the constellation 
Equus. 2)Daughter of Daunus. Wife of Diomedes. She became the second wife of Diomedes 
who had deserted his first wife, Aegile, for being unfaithful to him while he was fighting
with the Greeks at Troy 3)Wife of Andreus. Mother of Eteocles. 4)Wife of Pierus. Mother of 
Oeagris and the Pierides

95) Etremity: n, the furthest point or limit of something/The extreme degree or nature of

96) Fantomex: n, The product of a mating between his mother and a machine, 
Charlie-Cluster 7 (Fantomex) was born in the World, a secret square mile of experimental 
micro-reality built by the military industrial complex. a fictional superhero associated with 
the X-Men in titles published by Marvel Comics. Fantomex first appeared in New X-Men #128.

97) Farquar: The name of the place where the Battle of Farquar III took place during the Clone War.
The Battle of Farquar III was an engagement between Republic and Separatist forces.

98) Druig: n, (Marvel Comics) a fictional character appearing in the comic books published by Marvel 
Comics. He is a member of the Eternals, an ancient and powerful race of superhumans. He can manipulate 
all forms of matter and energy, including his bodies atoms. He can also teleport, manipulate gravitations
in order to fly, control the minds of others, and project energy from his body usually from his
hands or eyes. One of Druig's many quirks is that he really likes to torture people.

99) Dropouts: n plural, A person who does not complete the task at hand (usually used for high school
or college students for not completing their studies.

100) Drexter: n, male name of Afrian descent; I went to a kid who was in show choir with me who was named
Drexter Dotson.

101) SOLD

102) Enabling: 2 meanings 1)As a positive term, "enabling" references patterns of interaction which allow individuals 
to develop and grow. 2)In a negative sense, "enabling" can describe dysfunctional behavior approaches that are intended 
to help resolve a specific problem but in fact may perpetuate or exacerbate the problem. A common theme of enabling in 
this latter sense is that third parties take responsibility or blame, or make accommodations for a person's harmful conduct 
(often with the best of intentions, or from fear or insecurity which inhibits action).

103) Entertainers: n (plural), a person, such as a singer, dancer, or comedian, whose job is to entertain others.

104) SOLD

105) SOLD

106) SOLD

107) SOLD

108) Dinette: n, a small room or part of a room used for eating meals.


12:42am Jan 13 2015 (last edited on 7:48pm Jan 14 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 136
Names 109-176: (the last set of names)

109) Doorknob: n, a handle on a door that is turned to release the latch.

110) Dorrothy: n, meaning of the name Dorrothy is: God's gift. Greek Meaning: The name Dorrothy is a Greek baby name. 
In Greek the meaning of the name Dorrothy is: Gift of God.

111) Dracontis: n, nine maidens who wanted to outshine the Muses. They afterwards entered into a contest with the Muses, 
and being conquered, they were transformed into birds one of them being the Dracontis. (greek mythology)

112) Dealers: n (plural), a person or business that buys and sells goods.

113) Deistic: A religious belief holding that God created the universe and established rationally comprehensible moral and 
natural laws but does not intervene in human affairs through miracles or supernatural revelation.

114) Detritivore: also known as detritophages, detritus feeders, detritus eaters, or saprophages, are heterotrophs that obtain 
nutrients by consuming detritus (decomposing plant and animal parts as well as feces)/Uses Organic waste for food source.

115) Dentrifice: n, a paste or powder for cleaning the teeth.

116) Depascent: Adj, Consuming/To take in

117) Delinquency: n, Minor crime, espeically that commited by young people.

118) Concurrable: Is a word used in coding to im
port a task.

119) Conductance: n, the degree to which an ob
ject conducts electricity, calculated as the ratio 
of the current that flows to the potential difference present. This is the reciprocal of the 
resistance, and is measured in siemens or mhos. Symbol: G

120) SOLD

121) Conspiration: n, the act or action of plotting or secretly combining; two people working
together with a particular goal/end in mind.

122) SOLD

123) Corybantes: n, represented as a kind of inspired people, subject
to Bacchic frenzy, and inspiring terror at the celebration of the sacred
rites by means of war-dances, noise, cymbals, drums, and arms. They have 
been called attendants of Rhea 1, identified as Cybele, the Mother of the 
Gods worshipped in Phrygia, and guardians of Dionysus 2 in his growing days. 
It is also told that the CORYBANTES, came from Colchis (today Georgia in the Caucasus), 
and were given as armed ministers to Rhea 1 by the TITANS. The CORYBANTES are inclined to 
dancing and to religious frenzy, and worship the Mother of the Gods with orgies. The 
CORYBANTES are sometimes said to have been expelled from their country by their father Socus 
2, and to have ruled the Euboean battalions that joined Dionysus 2 in his war against the Indians.

124) Correspondent: n, a person who writes letters to a person 
or a newspaper, especially on a regular basis. Adj, corresponding

125) SOLD

126) Colligative: Adj, of or relating to the binding together of molecules.

127) Chowing: v (present participle), to eat at a more rapid pace than normal.

128) SOLD

129) SOLD

130) CaptainMarvel: n, (DC Comics); is a fictional superhero who appears in American comic books 
published by DC Comics. , by speaking the magic word "Shazam", can transform himself into a costumed 
adult with the powers of superhuman strength, speed, flight, and other abilities. His name is an acronym 
of the six figures from whom his magical powers derive: Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. 

131) Cerulium: A type of ore in the game Starbound
it is obtained by mining it and is on planets or 
asteroid fields with threat 7 or 8.

132) Bloodaxe: is a fictional character, owned 
by Marvel Comics who exists in that company's Marvel Universe 
as a foe of Thor and Thunderstrike. This character first appeared 
in Thor #449, though he did not adopt his name and appearance until

133) Amalgram: the traditional filling for a cavity
where they place silver filling on your cavity.

134) Amazoness: Amazoness is like saying "female Amazon"
which means "female warrior."

135) SOLD

136) Annealing: v (present participle), heat (metal or glass) and
allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses and
toughen it (seperate using heat).

137) Annthea (A-nn-thea): n, a girl's name meaning "flowery"; Greek

138) Anuresis: n, retention of urine in the urinary 
bladder: failure or inability to void urine

139) Aphtha: n, a speck, flake, or blister on the mucous 
membranes (as in the mouth or gastrointestinal tract or on the lips)
characteristic of some diseases (as thrush).. Ex:Canker Sore

140) Apotheothenai: One of the subclasses of the 4th
class consisted of the Theoi (gods) who controlled the
forces of nature and bestowed civilised arts upon 
mankind was Apotheothenai (Deified Mortals) Ex: Herakles,
Asklepios etc..

141) Ouranioi: One of the subclasses of the 4th
class consisted of the Theoi (gods) who controlled the
forces of nature and bestowed civilised arts upon 
mankind was Ouranioi (Sky Gods) Ex: Helios, Anemoi...

142) Halioi: One of the subclasses of the 4th
class consisted of the Theoi (gods) who controlled the
forces of nature and bestowed civilised arts upon 
mankind was Halioi (Sea Gods) Ex The Nereides, Triton,

143) Khthonioi: One of the subclasses of the 4th
class consisted of the Theoi (gods) who controlled the
forces of nature and bestowed civilised arts upon 
mankind was Khthonioi (Underworld Gods) Ex: Persephone,

144) Georgikoi: One of the subclasses of the 4th
class consisted of the Theoi (gods) who controlled the
forces of nature and bestowed civilised arts upon 
mankind was Georgikoi (Agricultural Earth Gods) Ex:

145) Nomioi: One of the subclasses of the 4th
class consisted of the Theoi (gods) who controlled the
forces of nature and bestowed civilised arts upon 
mankind was Nomioi (Pastoral Earth Gods) Ex: Pan,

146) Polikoi: One of the subclasses of the 4th
class consisted of the Theoi (gods) who controlled the
forces of nature and bestowed civilised arts upon 
mankind was Polikoi (City Gods) Ex: Hestia, Eunomia..

147) Olympioi:  One of the subclasses of the 4th
class consisted of the Theoi (gods) who controlled the
forces of nature and bestowed civilised arts upon 
mankind was Olympioi (Olympian Gods) Ex: The Mousai,

148) Dioskouroi: The Zodiac Symbol Pisces has 2 living
beings in it and they are known as the Dioskouroi twins.

149) Kentauroi: Greek for Centaurs

150) Hemitheoi: Greek for Semi-Devine also the 8th class of
immortals in greek mythology.

151) Tykhe (Lady Fortune): Greek Mythology, she is an example of
a greed goddess that can fall under multiple categories under 
the 8 classes of immortals.. Example: She falls under 2 as an 
Okeanis Nymphe, class 3 as fortune personified, and class 4 as
a popularly worshipped goddess.

152) Okeanis: In Greek Mythology this is a type of Nymphe.

153) Lapetos: Is the Greek version of the titan god of mortality
and the allotment of the mortal life-span Lapetus.

154) Lebadeia: is a city in central Greece. It is the capital of the
regional unit Boeotia.  it took its name Lebadeia from Lebados of Athens, 
who moved the city from high to low ground,[4] to its current location on 
the banks of the Herkyna river. The sacred protector of the city was the 
hero/god Trophonios, whose oracle, involving a harrowing descent into an 
underground chamber, was famous beyond the borders of Greece.

155) Selflessly: Adverb, having little or no concern for oneself, especially 
with regard to fame, position, money, etc.; unselfish

156) Daimones: Greek for Spirits and also represents 50% of the 2nd
class of immortality in Greek mythology.  The 2nd class nurtured life
in the 4 elements. Ex: Fresh-water Naiades, Forest Dryades, beast-loving
Satyroi, and Marine Tritones.

157) Dryades: In the 2nd class of immortality in greek mythology, Dryades
were the beautiful Nymphs of the trees, groves, woods, and mountain forests.
They were the ladies of oaks and pines!

158)Satyroi: (Greek for Satyrs) In the 2nd class of immortality in greek mythology, 
were rustic fertility daimones (spirits) of the wilderness and countryside. They were 
close companions of the gods Dionysos, Rheia..

159) Tritones: In the 2nd class of immortality in greek mythology, the Tritones were
known as a tribe of fish-tailed sea daimones in the train of the Poseidon. They were a 
plurification of the god Triton, which were represented as the satyroi of the sea.

160) Protogenoi: The first class of the 8 classes of Immortals of the Ancient Greek Pantheon is
known as Protogenoi which is Greek for First Born Gods. Including the primeval beings who 
emerged at creation to from the very fabric of the Universe: Earth, Sea.. Even though
Other pets for sell (names not the main priority):

161) Aphthous: Adj, A common condition characterized by the repeated formation of benign and
non-contagious mouth ulcers (aphthae/Feever Blisters). 20% of the human population suffers
from Aphthous Ulcers at any given time.

162) Arachnis (Orchid): The genus Arachnis, abbreviated as Arach in horticultural trade, is a member 
of the Orchid family, consisting of more than 20 species native to China, India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, 
the Philippines, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands

163) Abapical: Adj, Being opposite to or directed away from the apex (In Mathematics the
apex is the highest point (Zenith) especially the vertex of a triangle, cone, or pyramid/The lowest point

164) SOLD

165) Acceptably: Adverb, In a manner which is NOT frowned upon/ in a manner to please or 
give satisfaction

166) Accomplishing: Transitive Verb, to bring about (a result) by effort/Get something completed
after coming up with an idea, then a plan, then following through with the plan to Accomplish
(finish) the task at hand.

167) Aceology: n, The science of remedies, or of therapeutics;

168) Acmon: n, 1)one of the mythical race of Dactyls, 2)Phrygian king who gave his name to the district 
known as Acmonia 3)son of Clytius (son of Aeolus), a friend of Aeneas in Roman mythology

169) Adjancency: n,   something that is adjacent (nearby/next to)

170) Adrastos: Masculine n, Means "not inclined to run away" in Greek. This was the name of a king of Argos in 
Greek legend.

171) Aglaea: Feminine n, was the goddess of beauty, splendour, glory, magnificence and 
adornment. She was one of the three Kharites (Graces) who often appears 
dancing in a circle with her sisters. Aglaea was the wife of the god Hephaistos
and the mother of the four younger Kharites named Good-Repute, Praise, Eloquence
and Welcome. She was also named Kharis (the Grace) and Kale (Beauty)

172) Agonist: a chemical that binds to a receptor and activates the receptor
to produce a biological response.

173) Akhyls (Greek Form): Akhlys (also known as Achlys (Roman Form)) is the 
Greek goddess of misery and poison and is the keeper of the Death Mist. She lives
in Tartarus. The Goddess is an unambiguous sadist who trusts no one and has 
self-esteem issues.

174) Warranties: n (plural), a guarantee or promise which provides assurance by one 
party to the other party

175) Wedging: v, means to force something into a spot by slowly moving it into place.

176) Wynde: Book Series, Fiction/Fantasy/Horror book(s) it is an epic tale that
captures the political and visceral dangers of intergalactic war.


12:49am Jan 13 2015 (last edited on 8:29am Jan 13 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 136

Okay guys so I will have an autobuy price for all of these as soon as I look them all up, I might haggle on some of these feel free to ask I will not bite, if I haven't gotten around to pricing a pet feel free to offer on it (I tend to give better deals to those who take the initiative and offer instead of asking me what I would like)!! 

1) Hurren the mutant jaaku (15M)
2) Eraio the undead drindian (1.5M)
4) Armstead the lemon mutant zennie (3M)
5) Unnamed Natural Habbie (6M) x2
6) Affie the Orchid Saruka (7M)
8) YoImANattieIluvu the Natural Iluvu (2.5M)
9) Zharans the cream narwi (5M)
10) x9 the cream Zenerix (offer)
11) Xenavia the lime Jaaku (5M)
12) Tyrellan the Natural Saruka (5M)
13) Trynta the Cream Kurrabi (900k)
14) Kraster the Cream Easero (1.5M)
15) Anonte the silver Jaaku (5.8M)
16) Arfhdfhd the sepia Jaaku (2M)
17) Aroot the Lemon Jaaku (3M)
18) Creamdelafail the cream Jaaku (1.2M)
19) Dehumanization the Calico Jaaku Name (10M) Pet (15M)
 Dehumanization: the psychological process of demonizing the enemy, making them seem less than human and hence not worthy of humane treatment. This can lead to increased violence, human rights violations, war crimes, and genocide.
20) Derma the Orchid Jaaku (3.5M)
21) Emulsions the Indigo Jaaku (8M)
22) Guruguru the sepia Jaaku (2M)
23) Sold
24) LikeLoveya the cream Jaaku (1.2M)
25) Marije the cream jaaku (1.2M)
26) Luffes the azure jaaku (5.5M)
27) Molia the magenta jaaku (3.2M)
28) SOLD
30) Purpled the azure Jaaku (5.5M)
31) Tamila the trance Jaaku (10M)
32) Tehstrals the cream jaaku (1.2M)
33) Tolchok the amber jaaku (3M)
34) Xelidon the sepia jaaku  (2M)
35) XoriasAppleCrumble the sepia jaaku (2M)
36) XoriasChips the sepia jaaku (2M)
37) XoriasEggYolk the sepia jaaku (2M)
38) XoriasColeslaw the cream jaaku
39) XoriasCorn the cream jaaku (1.2M)
40) XoriasCranberrySauce the cream jaaku (1.2M)
41) XoriasCremeFraishe the cream jaaku (1.2M)
42) XoriasSepiaNuts the sepia jaaku (2M)
43) SOLD
44) XoriasPumpkinPie the sepia jaaku (2M)
45) Sold
46) Torsional the black Kurrabi (1.4M)
47) Heyle the black Kurrabi (1.4M)
48) Brumbly the sepia Kurrabi (2.5M)
49) Geddard the natural Kurrabi (500k)
50) Plis the natural Kurrabi (500k)
51) Collers the Achromatic Myotis (32M)
52) JointhePoopClan the Calico Myotis (10M)
53) Seminel the Black Narwi (6.5M)
54) NickNacks the Natural Noctis (4.5M)
55) Desoridae the Natural Nocits (4.5M)
56) Jaxes the Gold and Silver Aerix (15M)
57) SOLD
58) RedvsBlue the Rose Malal (7M)
59) Kirbug the silver intes (9M)
60) Maeli the silver kayoki (2.5M)
61) SOLD
62) Anytho the ginger intes (2.5M)
63) BrownBug the sepia intes (800k)
64) Frankton the blonde ebilia (15M)
65) Iktino the silver ahea (1.5M)
66) SOLD
67) Jelekine the blonde mirabilis (8M)
68) Kubbi the silver zenerix (2M)
69) MaddieFenton the silver gondra (2M)
70) Mylittlecutebear the silver berrok (2M)
71) Riede the silver zenerix (2M)
72) Silvermisty the silver Kayoki (2M)
73) StayintheBall the sepia intes (800k)
74) Yughu the silver valabex (2M)
75) Rosaleen the ginger jaaku (8M)
76) Medika the silver meiko (3M)


12:55am Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 366
will you take 6 mil for the orchid drachid?


12:58am Jan 13 2015 (last edited on 1:07am Jan 13 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 356
I'm interested in buying these Creatu:

Eolic the mutant zennie
Novaak the silver meiko - 3 mil?

Yaru and Isarabi - 4 mil each?


2:44am Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Excel done and done thanks :D

Breeze I will take 4M each for Yaru and Isarabi
Eolic is 500k
Novaak I will take 3M

So your total is 11.5M I'll send them over and send me the tu when you get on :D I'm shooting you an rmail as well!


9:11am Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 259
Can I reserve Gringotts? You knows I am good for it!!!

Selling Zaps for 50k Each! Rmail me...

9:17am Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Yes You May!


9:42am Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 259
YAY! Goes to make lots of Monies

Selling Zaps for 50k Each! Rmail me...

12:29pm Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 157
I'm interested in Elyos ? how much would you like for it?


12:35pm Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Agnes I'm sending you an rmail!


12:55pm Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 157
Ok I'll be waiting


3:43pm Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 606
all those mythology names xD Do me a deal if I buy them all?


3:47pm Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
You got it sister xD


7:44pm Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 380
How much are you after for VoodooDoll? :) 


7:46pm Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Hi Jodie, currently VoodooDoll is incorporated in a trade with Rika at the moment, if it doesn't work out I'll shoot you an rmail :D I'm sorry!


7:50pm Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 380
Aha, okie dokie :) 


11:09pm Jan 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 323
I want Medika and the name Voodoodoll, but i don't have TU. Any chance you could reserve them for me, and if I don't make the TU in time, you don't have to reserve them anymore.


12:43pm Jan 20 2015

Normal User

Posts: 9
How much would you take for the name Stratum

Hi I\'m Heidi :3 So a quick summary about myself, I\'m super laid back but I can be a bit uncanny from time to time. I\'d like to consider myself exceptionally intelligent and quick witted, I\'m a animal behaviorist for dogs, I have a Doberman named Jack who is my world!
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