Selling Potion of Knowledge, Scroll of Intelligence, Winners of the Publish a Book Contest, etc.

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5:31pm May 21 2018

Normal User

Posts: 319
Potion of Knowledge 
Scroll of Intelligence
Winners of the Publish a Book Contest
Patched Book Squishy
Tiger Eye Gem
PAB Contest Marble 

And also everything in my item gallery. 

looking for tu/real word names (good ones). thank you.

Status: Studying the blade

2:51pm May 22 2018


Posts: 3,218
Do you have a price in mind for the Winner of the Publish a Book contest?


10:42pm May 26 2018

Normal User

Posts: 319
I'm not quite sure. Shops say the last was sold for 800m -- which, obviously, i wouldn't be opposed to but do find kind of ridiculous. A couple hundred mil? Throw me an offer

Status: Studying the blade

4:19pm May 27 2018 (last edited on 4:23pm May 27 2018)


Posts: 211
There's at least 3 other sales I can find for the scroll and winners book for 600m per book, 675m per book, and 850m per book since last year so I'd say 800m is a pretty decent price with it's rarity

5:21pm May 27 2018

Normal User

Posts: 319
Thanks Iso! If I don't get any offers, I'll probably open up a merchant shop and stick them in there for around those prices.

Status: Studying the blade
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