SOLD. :)
Hey guys. I don't really care for this whole seed thing and I seem to have collected a bunch.
400k a piece.
Angel Trumpet Seed x4
Chryshaefu Pod x1
Dandysirleon Seed x8
Goibit Sprout x6
Lumicyid Beans x6
Orcheasero Seedling x9
Otachietail Seed Cluster x10
Paordula Sprout x7
Perilus seed x4
Snapgondra Seedpod x5
Zaphodil Bulb x5
That would be 65 seeds. 400kx65 is 26mil. I believe. I was always bad at this kind of math.
Or make an offer if you want them. Don't know if they'll sell, but I dont really have a use for them.