Selling Showroom Pets, and Seeking Offers for OAK

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3:41pm Sep 3 2015 (last edited on 3:50pm Sep 8 2015)

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Posts: 2,092
Like the ti
tle states, I'm looking to clear out a bit of my showroom, and search for offers on my OAK.

Name ~ Species ~Tentative Price
Beau ~ Natural Liyure ~ 475mil. (350mil for name, 150mil for pet)
Fijn ~ Trance Omni ~ 105mil. - Sold
Hale ~ Azure Otachie ~ 45mil. - Sold
Kane ~ Gold Noctis ~ 65mil. (50mil. for name, 15mil. for pet)
Melekh ~ Natural Kioka ~ 150mil. 
Tylar ~ Albino Zaphao ~ 45mil.
Mikeala ~ Achromatic Zaphao ~ 30mil.
Navee ~ Albino Uilus ~ 50mil.
Reziko ~Silver Iluvu ~ 15mil.

For the pets in the list above I tend to price on the higher side of what I'll take, so I have no problem if you'd like to haggle. Also, for those with both a pet price and a name price, you must provide the name tag if you only want one. 

There are others in my Showroom you can take a stab at if you'd like. But you must offer, or I'll likely ignore you;  I'm a rather terrible pricer. The pets below, however, are off limits (unless a really really good offer). 
Off Limits: Abi, Aeron, Aodhan, Alcarie, Cece, Danno, Dimka, Faythe, Gibbs, Leland, Raze, Sacha, Sirrah, and Sutton.
Will be Hard to Get from Me: dimOuniak, Geaux, Gerold, Jensen, Naasir, Paris, Zacharel 

And lastly, I'm debating on selling this guy here and looking for offers: 
This is Scimitar, my OAK Wyrae. 
I have no set price in mind, but I know what others have been seeking for their own OAK's. 
I will be keeping the name, but I will supply the name tag.

*I will choose the offer I like best on September 20th.*
Also, as I'm looking for offers, if in the end I decide not to sell him for whatever reason then that is my prerogative.


Autumn: 1.3bil.
Zaefrya: 800mil +artwork (would be worth 500mil.+)
Judge: 825mil.
Garr: 1bil.
Quantum: 1.25Bil.

What I'm looking for:
-Art (I will be picky)
-Possibly pets (again, picky)


4:54pm Sep 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
aww,man. your selling your oak?
aww..but hes so wonderfull.
i wish i could afford him.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

5:24pm Sep 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
Yeah, he's just not as special as he once was, and since I started at a University I don't have much time and figure some of these pets would do better in a new home rather then rotting in my showroom. :3 Heh, he might be here a while so you have a chance.~


5:43pm Sep 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 304
Sent you an rmail ;w;


6:33am Sep 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 606
Do you have a ballpark you were looking at for the OAK wyrae?
I can offer 800mil pure at the moment, but if you get any higher offers, I'd like the chance to counter ^^ 


11:58am Sep 4 2015


Posts: 3,216
Rmailing with art examples o3o 


12:23pm Sep 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 783
I'll offer 825M for the OAK and would also like to hear about any higher offers.

1:11pm Sep 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
Wow, okay I probably need to edit my first post with offers. I'll make sure to keep that up to date for anyone who wants to know the current offer.

Current Highest Offer is 900mil. by Autumn.
I will be choosing the offer I like best on September 20th.

Autumn: We've been talking. :3

Zaefyra: I honestly don't have a ballpark in mind; though from what I've been told people have sold their OAK's from 800mil-1bil? I'm going to keep a running tally of offers on the first post so everyone can see whose offered what.

Zen: Love your art! I've rmailed you back.

Judge: I'll keep the first post updated with your, as well as everyone else's, offer so you can see whose offered what.


4:24pm Sep 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 606
I'd like to offer art as well, (if you'd like it that is). I can do 2D or 3D. You can see some examples tle="" target="_blank" style="line-height: 13.6364px;">here. Also feel free to check out the WIP section for some of my more recent stuff. Let me know if this interests you at all.


4:43pm Sep 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
Zaefyra: Your art is amazing! Particularly your 3D art. About how much would you consider a 3D to be worth in terms of TU? 


4:59pm Sep 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 606
Thank you.
To be honest I don't usually do commissions, just because it takes me quite a bit of time and effort and it can be hard to translate that into virtual currency. However in saying that, depending on the complexity, I would likely not take less than 500mil for a fully sculpted/textured 3D model. If it's very complex this can go closer toward the 1bil range. I can also optimize the model for 3D print if you have access to a 3D printer.


5:20pm Sep 4 2015

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Posts: 2,092
Zaefyra: Yeah, I figured it took a lot of time and patience (not to mention skill) to do a 3D piece of work. I'll definitely keep your offer in mind when it comes time to choose an offer.


5:25pm Sep 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 606
Okay, thanks :) So my offer at the moment would be the 800mil plus the 3D art (not one or the other), just to be clear.


11:19pm Sep 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
aww,too bad.i made that neat story for him
does he still have that story?

Heh,i remember writing for him.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

12:47am Sep 5 2015

Normal User

Posts: 165
I'll offer 1billion let me know if the price goes up on the oak definitely interested.

I have no sig.

9:11am Sep 5 2015

Normal User

Posts: 319
Hey, I'd like to buy Fijn...for 103mil. Is that possible? O.o

11:49am Sep 6 2015

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Posts: 2,092
MissHalloween: I do still have the story, it's on his main page.~ I'll give whoever buys him the option to keep the story with him. Either if they do or don't, I'm still going to copy the story onto a document and keep it for myself (and maybe put it with another Wyrae when I buy/morph one).

Garr: I'll place your offer on the first post. I keep it updated whenever I get a new offer so you can always see whose offering what. :3

ErisedMoonstone65: Sure! Please send the TU and I'll send the pet.^^


10:27am Sep 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 319
Sent the tu! Thank you!

10:55am Sep 8 2015

Normal User

Posts: 585
Ill offer 1.25bil for the OAK Wyrae

What was it like to wake up, having never gone to sleep?

11:17am Sep 8 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
Quantum: Thank you.~ I'll add your offer above.

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