Selling a few lovely pets!
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2548425);" href="">Battilus the Frost Light Ginger Meragon
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2798754);" href="">Choma the Acrhomatic Vaspi
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2802993);" href="">Janse the Black Ebilia
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,1917913);" href=""> Kemei the Frost Light Calico Veram
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2774687);" href="">Jiaon the Rose Mutant Meragon
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2726583);" href=""> Lexon the Calico Sirleon
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2720383);" href=""> Odhanu the Albino Tesuri
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2752567);" href="">Rhoke the Black Meiko (special name, asking for extra tu)
You can rmail me, or put your offer here. I don't have set prices for most, so offer away! Thank you :D