Selling unNamed Calico Roditore!

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6:31am May 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 55
I hatched one this morning and have not named it yet, 
I would like 6.5mil but i am willing to haggle a little. You also will get to name it. 

Also its a female. 

6:33am May 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 55
Also messaging is the fastest way to get me, but i might not respond right away because i have exams, but i will be on from 9-12 rescreatu time.  

12:59pm May 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 55
message me if you are interested. i will be on the rest of the day. 

1:59pm May 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 55
Naming the her at 3pm(rescreatu time). If interested message me before hand.
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