Showroom clear out ! [RWNs + more]

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12:28pm Mar 9 2014 (last edited on 12:28pm Mar 9 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 17,364
Showroom clear out !

I've been letting all my pets sit and collect dust in my inactivity, so I've decided to sell some to good homes. ;v ; This includes the names I've hoarded && high colors.

Some will be harder to get than others !! ;u ;


Carrise: calico meragon
Clariss: black sirleon
Felise: natural otachie
Gennie: natural murren
Icaros: sepia vogar
Iggie: natural valabex
Jiselle: natural tesuri
Morgandy: lemon veram
Morewyn: black jaaku
Smartass: black myotis



+ other assorted blondes && silvers


I'll be very reluctant to sell any of my verams. ;u ;

There are no set prices; offer only in pure.
 I might accept other forms of payments including pets, art, items, etc., but tu is my main priority atm.

Only serious offers please ! ;v ;


12:42pm Mar 9 2014 (last edited on 12:57pm Mar 9 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 436
Aye girl price on that albino veram?
btw ur profile made me shriek how dare u. Also, rmail me your price since I probably will forget about this thread. :c

so wao

1:42pm Mar 9 2014 (last edited on 6:57pm Apr 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 858
20 mil each for the albinos and 4 mil each for the calicos?

Edit: rmail me if interested, I'm unsubscribing and won't see your reply :)

1:47pm Mar 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Price on Felise?


2:32pm Mar 9 2014 (last edited on 2:32pm Mar 9 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 583
How much on the calico and Lemon gondra?(:

Why yes, I AM an elderscroll addict!

11:40pm Mar 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 170
Calico meragon price? for my sisters kirbutt quest.

*8/15/17 still looking for 6 more mutants berroks*

1:38pm Mar 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Dang those calicos @.@ I'm only interested in the calico meragon as well, so if no one ends up buying please rmail me and I'll take that beauty off of your hands!!! (btw my prices for calicos is generally around 10mil, so, yeah.)


4:42pm Mar 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 472
How much for the bino undead otachie?


11:53pm Mar 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,403

how much for one of the albinos?


8:11am Mar 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 50
How much for the calico veram?


9:56am Mar 11 2014 (last edited on 9:57am Mar 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
Do I have anything that interests you for your albino, calico and achro veram? Including anything from my merchant shop

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