I'm working on attaining my birthday goals and to be able to do that I'm starting to do some basic rescreatu services!
Blessings and Shrine Eggs
10mil or 3 CP per Blessing
30mil or 10 CP per Shrine Egg
Name Searches
10mil or 3 CP per Name
Intellect Service
45mil or 15 CP for 450 Intellect (currently working on expanding books to hopefully get the ability to do 500)
A few things to note before your pet will have all the rewards removed first before pet is sent back with a list of what pet has broke, You do not need to replace the ones pet has broken but donations to the library are welcome.
Magical Squishies for Sale!
Current Birthday Goals (Things I'm looking to buy or earn in the next month)
50 Shrine Eggs
1x Galta Nest
1x Ivik Nest
1x Cyancu Nest