Squishies everywhere! + maybe some pets

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1:58pm Jan 4 2013 (last edited on 2:40pm Jan 4 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 5

I'm a Rancher, but I enjoy restocking. However, it's quite difficult when I'm not a Merchant. Despite that, I'm going to give this a whirl and see how it goes.

I've been hoarding Squishies and decided to see if anyone would like to purchase them. I will sell them BELOW the lowest price listed in merchant shops. For example:
Let's use this little guy, an"Albino Gondra Squishy".
Entering in the name of the Squishie into to search, the lowest price is "26,355". I'll sell it to you for 25,000.

The different between the two can be haggled. Ex.
The lowest price for "Albino Intes Squishy" is 300k. I'm not going to ask for 300k because that's ridiculous. You can either haggle with me by offering first OR ask me what I'm aiming for before offering. I can be pretty lenient, so I'd suggest going with the first option.

All my Squishies can be seen in my Item Gallery. ( http://www.rescreatu.com/itemgallery/viewshop.php?id=21264 )

Feel free to rmail me about questions, concerns, or offers. 

The next post will dedicated to the pets I'm currently selling.

2:00pm Jan 4 2013 (last edited on 2:40pm Jan 4 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 5
Pets For Sale
They can be seen in my Showroom ( http://www.rescreatu.com/gallery/?u=21264 ) under "For Sale". 

This is my first time selling pets, so please bear with my as I get the hang of things. 

My price is based on their name and how their species/colour are priced rancher shops. Of course, I will haggle. 

- Ginger Paor
  • - Male
  • - Rw meaning "Agreeable; genial; kindly".
  • Seeking: Pure TU.  Offer away.

3:44pm Jan 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 5
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