The Dusty Attic [Item Lending & Event Item Trading]

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5:35am Oct 24 2022 (last edited on 10:25pm Nov 30 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 85
Dusty Attic 

Welcome to the Dusty Attic, it is very... dusty... but is a treasure trove of items from events past! 

Alas, the treasures found here are not free but as fortune has it, it is overseen by a wise and generous creatu who will accept treasures with a similar history. 

The attic is for those who are looking to complete their collections on Rescreatu, Library, Clothing Rack, Squishy Shelf, creatu records (nourishment, intellect, squishies), and even personal quests. However, any user found to be exploiting the attic for personal gain will be blacklisted from it's use.

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Avatar Lending
Magical Squishies
Event Items About
Event Items List
Cain's Hoard Service

Currently Under Construction

I am still in the process of finalizing categories and how I want to set this up, but users are still free to Rmail me if they see any item they need in my gallery.

Maowji\'s Blue Morning Flory Flox made by Kogenta

5:35am Oct 24 2022 (last edited on 11:07am Nov 21 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 85
Avatar Lending

I am lending the following Avatar items. Tips are appreciated, but not necessary.
Just Rmail or post to borrow!

1. Return the item(s) as soon as possible.
2. Do NOT lend my items to other users or you assume all responsibility.
3. Please READ how to obtain the Avatar and do not accidentally use and destroy the item(s).

I tried recording how I obtained most of my avatars, but some information might be incorrect. If you did not receive the avatar based on the information below, please make sure you did not already have the avatar before letting me know so it can be tested and removed.

If anyone has any item(s) that can obtain avatars and is not listed below and would like to be added to the list to lend them out let me know!

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Special Pasta DishView and have a Special Pasta Dish in your inventory.
No Fish in AquatiView and have the No Fish in Aquati book in your inventory.
Please do NOT risk trying to read it.
Pixel FlowersView and have a x32 Pixel Flowers in your inventory.
LuckyView and have a Lucky Coin in your inventory.
Jellybean FanaticView and have one color of every Jelly Bean in your inventory. Mixed Flavor Jelly Beans NOT needed.
Voodoo HeartView and have a Voodoo Heart Squishy in your inventory.
Chocolate Covered FruitView and have Chocolate Covered Banana, Strawberry, and Chocolate Dipped Cherries and Pineapple in your inventory.
Chocolate Covered FoodView and have Chocolate Dipped Cheese, Chocolate Covered Bacon, and Chocolate Dipped Ice Cream Cone in your inventory.
Overflowing Chocolate BottlesView and have Red, Yellow, and Blue Bottle of Overflowing with Chocolate in your inventory.
Sugar EaseroView and have a Sugar Easero in your inventory.
Skaldyrs Favorite SquishyView and have Skaldyrs Favorite Squishy in your inventory.
Jaaku LollisView and have Cinnamon, Licorice, Mystery, and Soda Jaaku Lolli's in your inventory.
IshuuView and have an Ishu in your inventory.
Egg of EternityView and have Egg of Eternity in your inventory.
AmbrosiaFeed your creatu Ambrosia.
This is an everlasting item and needs to be used.
Easter Kurrabi SquishyView and have Easter Kurrabi Squishy in your inventory.
Easter Easero SquishyView and have Easter Easero Squishy in your inventory.
Blue BirdView and have Blue Bird in your inventory.
Love birdView and have Love Bird in your inventory.
Vampire RepellantView and have Silver Garlic in your inventory.
Apple SwanView and have a Red, Yellow, and Green Apple Swan in your inventory.
Splash GunView and have a Splash Gun in your inventory.
Queen BeeView and have a Queen Bee Squishy in your inventory.
Stuck!View and have Sticky Starfish in your inventory.
PinchView and have a Hermit Crab in your inventory.
Bloodstained White TeeView and have a Bloodstained White Tee in your inventory.

Pendant Spiral

Bag of Trash

Ebilia Whistle
View and have Natural Drachid Pendant in your inventory.

View and have Bag of Trash in your inventory.

Use a Ebilia Whistle.
Needs to be used, item is not destroyed upon use.
Jaaku WhistleUse a Jaaku Spirit Whistle.
Needs to be used, item is not destroyed upon use.
PaintedView and have Painted Liyure, Omni, Kioka, and Aerix in your inventory.

Maowji\'s Blue Morning Flory Flox made by Kogenta

5:35am Oct 24 2022 (last edited on 1:52pm Nov 21 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 85
Magical Squishies

My Magical Squishies are only for trade if I have duplicates of the one you are looking for.

Gallery Category: Magic Squshies
Ctrl F and input "x 2" for easier searching.

Trading Guidelines:
  1. 1. Magical Squishies are only for trade if I have duplicates in my gallery.
  2. 2. I will trade duplicates for different species with similar egg rarity for the same hatch color.
  3. (Ex: Magical Albino Malal Squishy for Magical Albino Paor Squishy)
  4. 3. Seasonal creatu are restricted to other seasonals of the same hatch color.

Magical Squishy Trading Board

If anyone wants to post any squishy trade ad let me know.

Maowji\'s Blue Morning Flory Flox made by Kogenta

5:35am Oct 24 2022 (last edited on 9:07am Dec 8 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 85

Dusty Attic - Event Item Trading

Regardless of value such as the current lowest buy price or average buy price, I am willing to accent any trades 1:1 found within the same section and category but retain the right to refuse or reject any trades.

Please check my gallery to see if I have the item(s) first. I try post items all items from certain events to act as a item reference guide such as how they are obtained so both parties are more easily evaluate trades.

Some sections have a general category. Items in this category are for event items that are usually more easily obtainable and low effort. 

Suggest Trade Guidelines:
  • This is just a guideline for suggested trades.
  • Please check each Event Category for more details if any.

  • 1. Items from the same Event and Category 1:1
  • 2. Prefer to trade for another variation of applicable
  • (Ex. Scared Aukira Squishy for a Scared Iubui Squishy)
  • 3. Prefer to trade items for the same type
  • (Ex. Books for Books, Food for Food, Squishies for Squishy, etc.)
  • 4. If the item you want is from a different Event but within a "general" category 2:1
  • (Ex. 2 Carnival General items for 1 Halloween General item)

Rescreatu Anniversary
Harvest Festival
Winter Event

Maowji\'s Blue Morning Flory Flox made by Kogenta

5:36am Oct 24 2022 (last edited on 9:04am Dec 8 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 85
🎪 Carnival
Gallery Section: Carnival

The following items are available during Rescreatu's Carnival Event.

Carnival General
Items included in Carnival General are Carnival Items that could be earned through event quests, therefore were easier to obtain and were not included in the respective ticket cost category if purchased through Event Shop NPC.


🎃 Halloween
Gallery Category: Halloween

The following items are available during Rescreatu's Halloween Event.

Halloween General
Items included in Halloween General are items that could be earned through Treat or Tricking on users profile, therefore were easier to obtain.


🎂 Rescreatu Anniversary
Gallery Category: Explore

Birthday Cupcakes
These cupcakes can be obtained during Rescreatu's Anniversary celebration through Pet Exploration.

I will accept any x3 "general" category items, 2:1 for other Explore exclusive items, or 1:1 for a different Birthday Cupcake

Kioka, Meiko, Ahea, Berrok, Drindian, and Ivik Birthday Cupcake


🎂 Harvest Festival
Gallery Category: Restock, Black Market, and Explore

Harvest Festival Restock
Gallery Category: Restock
Items available for sale at NPC Shops during Harvest Festival. 

2:1 for other Event Restock Items
Pie Crust Recipe Card

Book of Pies, Macaroni and Cheese, Pumpklin Roll Cake, Brocolli Cheese Casserole, Corn Bread, Key Lime Pie, Sweet Potato Pie, Mud Pie, Lemon in Cream Pie, Honey Baked Ham, Pecan Muffins, Pie Crust Recipe Card

Harvest Festival Black Market
Gallery Category: Black Market
Items available for sale at the Black Market during Harvest Festival.

2:1 for other Black Market Items
Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, and Thanksgiving Leftovers

Harvest Festival Explore
Category: Explore
Autumn Squishies and Corn Husk Dolls are obtained from Corn Husk Containers which can be found during the Harvest Festival.

1:1 Other Husk Dolls, 1:1 Other Husk Containers, 1:1 Autumn Squishies for Husk Container or x3 Husk Dolls

Relcore Husk Container, Autumn Aukira Squishy, Autumn Berrok Squishy, Autumn Goiba Squishy, Autumn Myotis Squishy, Autumn Omni Squishy, Autumn Zaphao Squishy, Autumn Zenirix Squishy 

Harvest Festival Random Event
Category: Random
Seed of gratitude
Seed of Gratitude

❄️ Winter Event

Winter Event Shuffle
Creatu Gingerbread Cookies are randomly awarded when playing Santa Shuffle during the Winter Event.


Maowji\'s Blue Morning Flory Flox made by Kogenta

5:36am Oct 24 2022 (last edited on 10:10pm Nov 30 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 85

Cain's Hoard Service

I check Cain's quite frequently and can help purchase items from Cains at a 10% RC fee from the Shop Base Price.

Maowji\'s Blue Morning Flory Flox made by Kogenta

5:36am Oct 24 2022

Normal User

Posts: 85

Maowji\'s Blue Morning Flory Flox made by Kogenta

5:36am Oct 24 2022 (last edited on 10:11pm Nov 30 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 85


Personally, keeping track of trades.

Maowji\'s Blue Morning Flory Flox made by Kogenta
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