Trading a ton of items and a few pets for Iluvu and Vaspi Eggs :D

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10:44am Feb 19 2015 (last edited on 3:11pm Feb 19 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 136

Aerix Stocking (2)

Ardur Stocking (2)

Aukira Stocking (1)

Berrok Stocking (2)

Alright The ti
tle says it all Honestly :D Quanity of Eggs I will Accept is beside it These are Based off Usershops so there may be a little wiggleroom!

Cyid Stocking (1)

Easero Stocking (2)

Ezahni Stocking (1)

Galta Stocking (3)

Iluvu Stocking (3)

Ivik Stocking (1)

Jaaku Stocking (1)

Jahra Stocking (2)

Kayoki Stocking (1)

Kioka Stocking (2)

Kurrabi Stocking (1)

Leverene Stocking (1)

Liyure Stocking (2)

Myotis Stocking (2)

Narwi Stocking (1)

Omni Stocking (1)

Otachie Stocking (1)

Paor Stocking (2)
Quelis Stocking (3)

Uilus Stocking (2)

Vaspi Stocking (2)

Veram Stocking (2)

Zaphao Stocking

Zenirix Stocking (2)

Amount of Eggs Per Stocking:

Zenirix: 7 Eggs
Zaphao: 4 Eggs
Veram: 2 Eggs
Vaspi: 8 Eggs
Uilus: 5 Eggs
Shaefu: 7 Eggs
Quelis: 8 Eggs
Paor: 3 Eggs
Otachie: 7 Eggs
Omni: 4 Eggs
Narwi: 7 Eggs
Myotis: 10 Eggs
Liyure: 2 Eggs
Leverene: 4 Eggs
Kurrabi: 9 Eggs
Kioka: 2 Eggs
Kayoki: 2 Eggs
Jahra: 2 Eggs
Jaaku: 2 Eggs
Ivik: 2 Eggs
Iluvu: 2 Eggs
Galta: 3 Eggs
Easero: 2 Eggs
Ezahni: 3 Eggs
Cyid: 2 Eggs
Berrok: 2 Eggs
Aukira: 9 Eggs
Ardur: 4 Eggs
Aerix: 3 Eggs

= 20 Eggs     =  4 Eggs     = 3 Eggs     = 1 Eggs    = 2 Eggs

=4 Eggs     =2 Eggs     =1 Egg     =60 Eggs     =8 Eggs

= 1 Egg    = 55 Eggs     = 2 Eggs     = 10 Eggs     

= 15 Eggs     = 3 Eggs     = 8 Eggs     =1 Egg

=8 Eggs    =10 Eggs     =8 Eggs     =2 Eggs

=50 Eggs     =9 Eggs     =32 Eggs     =5 Eggs

=3 Eggs     =9 Eggs     =9 Eggs     =20 Eggs

=12 Eggs     =9 Eggs     =4 Eggs     =4 Eggs

=10 Eggs     =2 Eggs     =7 Eggs     =9 Eggs

=9 Eggs     =9 Eggs     =9 Eggs     =9 Eggs

=1 Egg     =15 Eggs     =3 Eggs     =4 Eggs

=2 Eggs     =8 Eggs          =8 Eggs

=10 Eggs     =5 Eggs     =1 Egg     

=2 Eggs     =10 Eggs     =10 Eggs     =10 Eggs     


11:07am Feb 19 2015 (last edited on 6:03pm Feb 19 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 136

Aroottle="Aroot">=2 Eggs

IDCwhattle="IDCwhat" style="line-height: 1.25;">=3 Eggs

Broodatle="Brooda">=2 Eggs

CharlieMansontle="CharlieManson">=10 Eggs

Dermatle="Derma">=2 Eggs

Honimitle="Honimi">=35 Eggs

Xenaviatle="Xenavia">=3 Eggs

Tolchoktle="Tolchok">=2 Eggs

Spaztektle="Spaztek" style="line-height: 1.25;">=7 Eggs

Purpledtle="Purpled">= 3 Eggs

NotYodatle="NotYoda">=3 Eggs

NickCagetle="NickCage">=35 Eggs
Pets are NOT complete will add more soon!  Stay  Tune Pets are not to be haggled on my apologies :( but they are priced at what I'd be content at selling them at!


11:42am Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 344
I'm interested in buying those Kurrabi slippers of yours <:



11:43am Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Okie dokie shall I toss them over then? :D


11:44am Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 344
Ah, yep, and I'll send your eggs!~

Thanks for the opportunity! <3



11:45am Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
No problem thanks for the eggs <3


11:57am Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 8
I'm interested in buying the Shaefu stocking and the pet Ayafu. :3

12:00pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Okay sadly the shaefu went the second this went up :( I'm so sorry if you are interested in the stocking still though I will happily send it over.  Against sincerest apologies for not editing it!


12:01pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 8
It's alright. I'll send the eggs for the stocking now. :3

12:02pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Alright  I'll go send the items Thanks a lot <3


12:02pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 8
No problem friend! 

2:58pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 11
ayy can i buy the natural jaaku cloak and armstead please? c":

3:12pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Alright done and done :D thanks for your business mother I will be adding things soon so make sure to check back!


3:51pm Feb 19 2015 (last edited on 3:52pm Feb 19 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 14
can i buy the ariex
never mind

3:53pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Of course let me get it out of my rancher and I will send it right over :D


3:53pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 48
Eyy, I'd like to buy that blue Jaaku, Emulsions c:


3:59pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Okie dokie Tayloi <3 I'll send it right over :D

The Aerix is still up for grabs guys <3 the user didn't have enough eggs just a heads up~


5:45pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 48
Hi again uh I'd like to buy your Gold Aerix, Jaxes c:
*totally didn't spend an hour getting the eggs*


6:03pm Feb 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 136
Sent <3 thanks again Tayloi I hope you enjoy that Gold Aerix!!

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