Trading Black Omni

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9:51am Jun 10 2021 (last edited on 2:17pm Jun 10 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 678
Looking to trade my Black Omni for other pets. 

I would prefer offers with at least one albino, black, or achro CS offer (prefer albino), but I'll gauge depending on other factors too. 

I value my black Omni at around(?) 3bil(rusty with values nowadays). Will not sell with the name (Neville) unless you are willing to make a higher offer. (for context I believe I paid 1bil for the name).
The Omni has all effects available except derp - ageless baby, ageless adolescent, cosmic, stardust, undead. He has these stats: Intellect: 270
Nourishment: 872
Squishies: 142

My values may be skewed because I have been inactive for a while, so feel free to haggle/let me know your values! 
I value Black CS at around 200-250mil
I value Albino CS around 1.5 bil.
I value Achro CS around 1bil. 
I have no idea how dyed pets are valued now, I'll give a rough estimate of the following based off of Rancher prices:
Amber - 5mil. Azure - 10mil. Gold - 15mil. Indigo - 6mil. Lemon - 5mil. Lime - 6mil. Magenta - 5mil. Orchid - 6mil. Rose - 8mil. Trance - 15mil. 

Most to least wanted: 

Not interested in Iubui/Kioka/Liyure/Wyrae.

May consider colored Uldavi pets as well (Cyancu/Ivik in particular). 
May also consider blessed/elemental pets, I love all of their art. I value those starting at 15-20mil each (depending on name/color as well).
May consider offers of names, but I would be picky.
Finally, may consider offers with the following colored/dyed creatu - (in order of preference) - Feiron, Viarindi, Cetari, Guilbyss, Kayoki, Mirabilis, Leverene, Tesuri, Murren)

Not interested in tu right now, but may open up tu offers eventually. I'd probably end up keeping him if no one wants to trade though. 

Feel free to post here or Rmail - will probably check here more often than Rmail (my alerts are all turned off and I don't tend to check my messages often, sorry if I leave something sitting! I'll try to check when I'm on). 

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