I would prefer offers with at least one albino, black, or achro CS offer (prefer albino), but I'll gauge depending on other factors too.
I value my black Omni at around(?) 3bil(rusty with values nowadays). Will not sell with the name (Neville) unless you are willing to make a higher offer. (for context I believe I paid 1bil for the name).
The Omni has all effects available except derp - ageless baby, ageless adolescent, cosmic, stardust, undead. He has these stats:
Intellect: 270 Nourishment: 872Squishies: 142
My values may be skewed because I have been inactive for a while, so feel free to haggle/let me know your values!
I value Black CS at around 200-250mil
I value Albino CS around 1.5 bil.
I value Achro CS around 1bil.
I have no idea how dyed pets are valued now, I'll give a rough estimate of the following based off of Rancher prices:
Amber - 5mil. Azure - 10mil. Gold - 15mil. Indigo - 6mil. Lemon - 5mil. Lime - 6mil. Magenta - 5mil. Orchid - 6mil. Rose - 8mil. Trance - 15mil.
Most to least wanted:
Not interested in Iubui/Kioka/Liyure/Wyrae.
May consider colored Uldavi pets as well (Cyancu/Ivik in particular).
May also consider blessed/elemental pets, I love all of their art. I value those starting at 15-20mil each (depending on name/color as well).
May consider offers of names, but I would be picky.
Finally, may consider offers with the following colored/dyed creatu - (in order of preference) - Feiron, Viarindi, Cetari, Guilbyss, Kayoki, Mirabilis, Leverene, Tesuri, Murren)
Not interested in tu right now, but may open up tu offers eventually. I'd probably end up keeping him if no one wants to trade though.