Trading/selling Lemon Iluvu for...something

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8:57am Sep 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 749

Yeah this guy. On my profile. I bought it last night on accident because I thought it was a blonde, and I was in a mad rush to deliver pets to Kir.

I bought him for 9mil, but of course I know I'll be an idiot to hope I can sell it for that much. Soooooooo it's up for sale/trade.

Seriously, I'll take almost anything in trade that isn't a junk offer like a piece of petrified driftwood. Just want this silly yellow rabbit thing gone from my account as looking at it just reminds me of my stupidity >.<.

Will trade for DK coloured Ebbies and Ardurs, regardless of what DK colour it is. Open to other offers too, and don't be afraid to offer in TU :)

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