Undead creatu (good named) for sale!

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7:33am Nov 28 2012 (last edited on 7:35am Nov 28 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 39
Hey guys! I've had some trouble pricing my undead creatu, and I'm realizing that they won't get sold anyway since people can't search for them in the sales etc. Anyway, I have these up for sale in my shop, and thought I'd just... get some attention, haha:

Chirema, undead cream berrok
Kinh, undead black draqua
Rung, undead ginger zenirix
Sheun, undead natural leverene
Violant, undead natural ahea
Vys, undead cream drindian

If the prices are off, feel free to bid on them (but please - be reasonable), I just want them to get sold really!

10:41am Jan 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 24
for the undead levrene would you do 575,000 TU?
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