Unnamed Kurrabi's. Two Natties or one Magenta

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10:27am Apr 19 2015 (last edited on 10:28am Apr 19 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 570
Hey there! In light of the current egg hunt, I've come across some Kurrabi's. I'm currently trying for more rare hatch colours, so I'm looking to sell these two naturals. Although, I've also got a spare magenta dye kit lying around, and since I don't particularly care for magenta creatu most of the time I'd be willing to use it on one of the Kurrabi's if someone wanted a magenta one.
I'll sell the natties for 1.5-2mil each or, if you want me to use the dye kit on one I'll sell the magenta one for 5-6mil. Willing to haggle on the magenta Kurrabi, and will trade pets for either in place of pure tu.

Thanks for looking!



9:39pm Apr 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 254
hey I am not interested in the kurrabis but I am interested in the magenta dye kit could I buy that?
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