Renneth, who is an albino Veram who is also undead and frostlight:

DeadlyQuickSilver who is an Achromatic Meiko who is Undead

I will entertain serious offers. I also have Two Undead Noctis on the auction page - one is trance and one is Gold
Born on 2013-11-29 19:01:41
- Species: Noctis
- Mutant: No
- Color: gold
- Gender: Female
- Age: 72
- Level: 1
- Health: 25/25
- Hunger: 100/100
- Power: 10
- Defense: 10
- Agility: 10
- Intellect: 24
- Status: Healthy
- Emotion: Delighted

Born on 2013-06-20 12:39:42
- Species: Noctis
- Mutant: No
- Color: trance
- Gender: Male
- Age: 35
- Level: 1
- Health: 25/25
- Hunger: 90/100
- Power: 10
- Defense: 10
- Agility: 10
- Intellect: 15
- Status: Healthy
- Emotion: Delighted
as well as a stardust and undead trance Mirabillis