I haven't been here for quite a while, so I decided to come back and let everyone see how my art has progressed. I still haven't gotten a tablet, so these are all mouse-drawn with Photoshop Cs2, and take different amounts of time.
I am also not opposed to conversation here, or critique. Just please, make sure to post an outline of what you want, I won't make anything you need to fill out, but please, be very specific or have references. There isn't anything I won't do (:
Please, be polite, if it's critique, I would hope for it to be constructive, not just bashing.
I will Rmail you when I'm finished, as well as post the artwork here, unless you instruct me otherwise. You can do anything with the art you recieve, but if you re-sell, please give me credit, and leave my signature on. My current examples have no signature, simply because I used them elsewhere, or they were practices, and I didn't feel the need. I also have a few different styles of art, so don't think I'm a thief :3
1. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=280js06&s=7
2. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=qoc5jn&s=7
3. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=30k7pfn&s=7
These are my basic samples, yes, they are human-humanoid, but that is the style and or quality you will be getting. Please, tell me which style you would most prefer out of those.
I'm really not picky about price, you can choose. But before I will start on your piece, we need to agree on it.
Thank you,
Rachel. :3