~Art Comissions~

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10:12am Nov 8 2009 (last edited on 3:42pm Nov 12 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 6


(K=1000 TU)


I only have MS Paint so all drawings will be made using that program. I'm not a Paint n00b though so don't worry, I'm pretty decent. :x

 Also, I draw 18+ as well.

 Chibi Animals/Pokemon/Neopets/People/Rescreatu Pets, plain background- 3K

 Chibi Animals/Pokemon/Neopets/People/Rescreatu Pets, detailed background(Tell me how you would like it)- 5k

Animals/Pokemon/Neopets/People/Rescreatu Pets, Plain Background- 6K

Animals/Pokemon/Neopets/People/Rescreatu Pets, detailed background- 7K

Three Slots open-

EmoRotweiler- Amber wolf with amber eyes in a snow-covered forest.  


SugarRush- Two chibi hamsters holding hands. One white and tan hamster and one white hamster with a cape. http://shadowblaze96.deviantart.com/art/LET-SHOLDHANDSKTHX-143312108

Sammeh- Vulpix+Ninetales

Some of my work:






Also, catch my 12,000 Page view and get a free request of anything you want!


10:22am Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 923

Ooh I want one :D

What i want: A amber wolf with glowing amber eyes with a detailed bg of a snow covered forest. ;)

pay: 50k :) (your art is really epic)


12:23pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,708

Are you good at chibi hamsters :D

P.s. i shall pay you 40-70k for an art piece


12:42pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6

Amber wolf, amber eyes, detailed background... got it~


And yeah I can draw hamsters. :3 What coloring and markings would you like?


12:49pm Nov 8 2009 (last edited on 12:50pm Nov 8 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,708

Can u draw me a white and tan hamster holding hands with a white hamter in a red cape?? Hee Hee i like hamsters :D


1:11pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6

Sure, sounds cute. x3

Heh you're not the only one! <3


1:22pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,708
lol any idea when it will be done?


1:30pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6
Well, depends. I have to finish EmoRotweiler's first. I'm done with the wolf lineart, now I have to do the background. It'll probably take 2-3 hours.. so after that I'll start on your's which'll probably take about an hour and a half, unless you want a detailed bg.

2:05pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221

Oh I want one :O

Could I have a drawing of a Vulpix, with a really gentle icy blue fur and with lighter amber fur around its neck and underbelly. with an amber patch heart shaped patch on its right eye. On its all paws ~ cream stocking markings. And on the back right leg some grey gauze wraped around it. Could it have a slightly confuzed but innocent ex
pression and tiny little fangs. Oh and large fluffy ears similar to a fennec fox. Eye's are large and very pretty looking with the colour being glowing grey/blue.

A gr*censored*y plain background that has nearby mountains, with tallish gr*censored*, taller than the vulpix, showing she's pretty small and delicate. Oh and in spring time.


Would you be willing to another ?

A ninetails,  similar fur colours. except more faded (a lighter shade of blue).  Slightly larger fangs. More devious ex
pression but the eyes are much darker in colour and ears are roughly the same size just less fluffy. The eyes are slightly smaller and not as playful looking, more pretty. The tail is larger and more fluffy. Gauze is still there. The heart shaped patch is more faded. And the cream stocking markings are slighly fade. All in all, very graceful, very beautiful, and quite enchanting looking.

A dark beautiful nigt background in a similar field but the gr*censored* is smaller showing how much she's grown. Maybe have her shading under a tree with the moon onlooking.Its in the winter and with the same mountains in the background but seeing as its winter the mountains are snow capped and the gr*censored*y ground around her has a sparkling cover of snow. 

Anything I didn't mention you can play around with however you want :)

And no need to be exact on the backgrounds ~ what ever you think is nice Im happy with.

Poses etc. are up to you C:


I'd pay 100k each , if your able to do them ^^


2:16pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6

I'll do what I can. ^^


2:30pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221

Alrighty (:

Will I just pay upfront now ~ Or would you prefer some other time, In case you dont get time to do my commision or something ? (:


2:43pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6

You can pay after I draw them for you.


2:52pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221
Okies (: Thanks


1:38pm Nov 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221


1:07am Nov 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221

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